What was quoted by someone in the know was roughly 6 months out of country for every 3 months in the country. That was specifically for someone on a South-east Asian passport. Guidelines for an EU passport are probably a bit more liberal. See, the thing is Singapore immigration laws are very murky, and they intentionally keep it that way in order prevent undesirables from gaming the system. Published rules will be very vague, and just say "up to ICA's discretion".napsus wrote:i can't find that formula...would really love to find out how often i could come if i have to live in bkk.the lynx wrote:Fair enough. But there must be balance between the number of days in and the number of days out of Singapore in a cycle.
There is a formula for that discussed somewhere here but you will need to use the search function up there to look for it... And at the moment, I do not know which keyword to use.
Bottomline, it is good enough for you to know that visa runs are illegal and we regulars here will have to do our part as residents to warn others against pulling it off or accidentally running foul with ICA unwittingly.
Quite honestly, as a European, you're may possibly able to walk through every time with a 90 day renewal. But it's also quite possible you'll be turned away on entry. Violating immigration laws have penalties up to and including being caned. Are you likely to be caned? No, most likely not. But the rule is in the books. It gives them a lot of leeway. Not like most western countries where the laws will specify every possible situation of every violation with prescribed penalties for each.
Also, that school is that expensive because people use it as a method to get student passes and stay.