My boyfriend and I are relocating from the UK to Singapore in Summer. We are considering whether to 1) bring all our furniture with us (and rent an unfurnished
condo); 2) bring none of our furniture and just rent a fully furnished condo in Singapore; or 3) bring a few select items to Singapore. At the moment, our preferred option is 3) and this would probably be our entire bedroom furniture (which we love!) and a few additional pieces from the living room. We are concerned that flats either come furnished or unfurnished in Singapore, in which case it will be difficult to i) bring our own bedroom furniture and convince the landlord to remove his bedroom furniture and the items we don't need or ii) if the only way to bring our bedroom furniture across is to get an unfurnished apartment, we would then end up having to buy more furniture for the rest of the flat, which we want to avoid.
Does anyone have any experience of renting a partially furnished condo in Singapore (i.e. you brought some of your own furniture with you) and was it easy? Did landlords accomodate this easily and would you recommend it? Any thoughts/experiences would be much appreciated!