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hot rox

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hot rox

Post by dr.pepper » Sun, 05 Dec 2004 5:22 pm

where can i get 'em?... how much r they?

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Re: hot rox

Post by Han » Mon, 06 Dec 2004 11:18 pm

dr.pepper wrote:where can i get 'em?... how much r they?
You can get them at GNC though it's a lil' bit pricey.

PM me if you want to buy at a cheaper price.
Han Ayden, Body Transformation Specialist,

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Post by zajoe » Tue, 07 Dec 2004 3:22 pm

hi gnc is selling at arond $200+, u can email me at [email protected] or call me at 98511330 for a better price in sports supplement. for hot rox i can get around $135

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Post by MyStIqU3 » Tue, 07 Dec 2004 9:24 pm

What is Hot Rox and what does it do???

Care to elaborate? :roll:
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Post by Han » Tue, 07 Dec 2004 11:28 pm

MyStIqU3 wrote:What is Hot Rox and what does it do???

Care to elaborate? :roll:
Hot-Rox supports lipolysis (fat release) and minimizes lipogenisis (fat creation). It also keeps the Krebs Cycle primed for maximum fat burning.

Krebs cycle, otherwise known as aerobic metabolism, is a process where the body releases plasma free fatty acids from subcutaneous fats (adipose tissue) and/or Visceral fats (intramuscular fats) to be used as ATP (energy).

In layman terms, Hot-Rox supposedly makes use of bodyfat as energy.

However, before you start popping Hot-Rox into your mouth, do take note that like other supplements, it's not going to help much if your diet are not in check. In order for you to efficiently 'burn bodyfat', you have to be in a hypocaloric and/or ketosis mode.

But that's another story altogether. :wink:
Han Ayden, Body Transformation Specialist,

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Post by MyStIqU3 » Tue, 07 Dec 2004 11:47 pm

"to be in a hypocaloric and/or ketosis mode."

What does this exactly mean?

And as in comparison to the other slimming supplements that is so popular now, which is better?

How effective is "Hot Rox"?

I mean if we go on a sensible diet and exercise and soon can we see results? :P
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Post by Han » Wed, 08 Dec 2004 12:13 am

MyStIqU3 wrote:"to be in a hypocaloric and/or ketosis mode."

What does this exactly mean?

And as in comparison to the other slimming supplements that is so popular now, which is better?

How effective is "Hot Rox"?

I mean if we go on a sensible diet and exercise and soon can we see results? :P
Hi, I was just about to email you. So since you're here, I shall not then.

Hypocaloric is when your body is taking in less calories than what is needed to maintain wieght.

For eg. if your daily maintenance is 2000 cals and you are 50kg, you will stay at that weight as long as you maintain 2000cals per day. So if you want to lose weight, you'll have to lower the calories.

So how is it done? Thru exercise and cutting the calories from food you eat.

Ketosis is when your body is deprived of carbohydrate stores. When we consume carbs, they are stored as glycogen (to be used as energy) in the liver and muscle. However, when there are very little amounts of glycogen in the body, your body taps the energy from your fat stores.

That is why exercising in the morning on an empty stomach helps in weight loss, because your body is depleted in glycogen stores after an overnight fast (sleep).

With regards to your question on Farenheit, it works the same way as Hot-Rox. Just that the 'strength' of the formula for Farenheit is milder as it was designed for women. However, Hot-Rox works just as well for women too.
MyStIqU3 wrote:And as in comparison to the other slimming supplements that is so popular now, which is better?
There are so many supplements out there.

I've tried the older version of Hydroxycut and Xendarine when it had ephedrine, and it worked of course. But the newer ones, I didn't bother to buy.

Now, I use Hot-Rox and recommend them to clients as well.
MyStIqU3 wrote:How effective is "Hot Rox"?

I mean if we go on a sensible diet and exercise and soon can we see results?
I can't comment on 'how soon' you'll see results because I don't know your lifestyle and your diet. What I can say is if exercise and diet dilligently, you should be able to see results. Supplements are a bonus.

Good luck! :lol:
Han Ayden, Body Transformation Specialist,


Post by Geney » Thu, 09 Dec 2004 12:24 pm

hey interesting products, thanks for sharing

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Post by sgdollar » Thu, 25 May 2006 11:16 pm

hi..i was told that Hot Rox works well only after u taken it before your regular i rite? Hot rox will increase your heartbeat rates.. correct me if i am wrong...

i used to go gym often but stopped it after i injured my foot...also due to my hectic work schedule i have not gone to gym close to a year.. am quite disappointed to see my spare tyre forming infront of me so decided to go back to gym as i have fully recovered from my injury. So to have a better result for fat burning, i was introduced to Hot Rox by a staff at GNC. But to play safe, i wish to gather more info on it before purchasing.

Hope to get back into shape fast..hehehe

*On War With Fats*

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Post by Prochy » Fri, 26 May 2006 1:52 pm

...In order for you to efficiently 'burn bodyfat', you have to be in a hypocaloric and/or ketosis mode... other words, such supplements are just a waste of money

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