I'm just wondering if anyone can advise me on an unpleasant situation I currently find myself in.
To cut a long story short, I am a (white) European man and I arrived in Singapore two years ago to start work for my company. Although the majority of my colleagues are very nice, and some have become good friends, from the offset I experienced totally unprovoked hostility from several colleagues which I was told by others was because "they don't like ang mohs". They resented me being there, especially after I was given a minor promotion, and went out of their way to make things difficult for me, effectively sabotaging my work. The situation got so bad that I was diagnosed with depression.
I eventually complained to my boss about this, and eight months ago I was moved to a different section. Things couldn't be more different there - the hours are much better, for a start, all of my colleagues are nice, and I really enjoy the work. The deal was that I would try out on the new section for three months, and if I did well the move would be made permanent. After three months, I was told that I had done well and would be staying there.
Then recently I was told that I am being moved back to my old section, as they are short-staffed and need me there. When I told my boss that I was reluctant to go back, he simply dismissed my concerns and told me I could resign if I wanted to. I am reluctant to do this, as a) I cannot afford to and b) I am two-thirds of the way through my contract and will lose a considerable amount in bonuses if I quit now.
Can anyone advise me what my options are now? My working conditions are being changed without my consent, which I believe is contrary to the Employment Act. The agreement I had with my boss, which I believe amounted to a verbal contract, has also been proved worthless. I feel I have been backed into a corner, and I don't know what to do.
Is there a tribunal where I could take this matter? I don't want to take action against my employers, but I don't want to take this laying down either.
Any advice would be much appreciated.