ecureilx wrote:x9200 wrote:.. The policeman told him that roads are not for pedestrians.
No comments, just this one ..
Was the driver's license suspended pending a court order ? or not ?
PS: NOT MY OPINION, that is what the TP told me ..
I don't think the law changed since '98 allowing an open season for drivers ..
I don't know what happened to the cabbie and I don't think the law changed. This is about interpretations what somebody said to you, probably similar way as you interpreted my post understanding: anybody can kill anybody with a car if 1st anybody is a a pedestrian and if all this is outside the crossing
I am very sure the TP just told you a simple, generalized sentence to make you vigilant, aware etc as it really takes no rocket scientist to see it can not be true. Devil is always in details. your claim:
"license will be suspended, by default, for reckless driving" - BS for me
What he probably meant:
"license will be suspended, by default, for a suspicion of reckless driving" - no problem to believe in it but doubtful if this is as B&W as you seemed to interpret this.
Now, back to the law, if you run down a pedestrian on the crossing with some very few exceptions you are always guilty as charged. If a pedestrian approaches the crossing you have to stop and give him the way.
If you run a pedestrian outside the crossing you will only be found guilty if you were driving recklessly but this not include you unconditionally stopping seeing a pedestrian on the curb or crossing the road.
And on top of this you will probably have to have a proof that the driver was reckless. Probably not that easy in majority of the cases.