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Post by andie0001 » Mon, 12 Mar 2012 8:13 pm

Just wondered if there was anyone out there who attends SAIS who can give me some feedback. My kids will be going into grade 3 and 5, every thread I have read here, the kids seem to be younger. Just wondered what the teaching and environment is like higher up the school? We were really impressed when we saw it last week.

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Post by Brooklynjenn » Wed, 14 Mar 2012 7:31 pm

We have two grade three girls in our condo, and the parents seem very happy with the school. Another of my friends has four kids at school, two are in my kids grades, two older. One is in grade three. She is extremely happy with school, we talk about how much better it is at SAIS than our home schools. I believe the fifth graders get to go on really cool trips. I am very involved at the school, and in some of my groups are parents of grade three and five, and I have not heard any complaints about the learning environment. I can't attest to it personally, just through anecdotes.

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Post by andie0001 » Thu, 15 Mar 2012 7:42 pm

Thank you that really helps :D

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Post by pupsiecola » Tue, 08 May 2012 4:21 am

Hi there,
We are hoping to relocate to Singapore from the UK in the next couple of months. My husband is going through an interview process at the moment. SAIS seems to be one of the few schools with places for this year (my sons are 7 and 9). I've read with interest some posts on here. It's so hard as we don't want to apply until we've got a job offer and I'm not sure I'll be able to see the school before signing up which feels weird. Any advice/opinions on SAIS would be very much appreciated. Also, the schools seems so big - do they keep the young ones separate?

Thanks for any advice.

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Post by Brooklynjenn » Tue, 08 May 2012 9:40 am

Pupsiecola, right now the school is in a foundation campus, but that is changing next year. The school is still quite small compared to a lot of other schools, but it is growing. Things are a bit separated at the current campus, but next year the design will be better and the younger kids will be more separated from the older kids. The year classes will be grouped in a sort of pod, with a central space for the classes of each year. They have separated spaces for the little ones to play, while the older kids have their own playground and spaces. There will even be two different pools for the young ones and the older kids. The high school will be in a separate building I believe, but it won't be finished for another year. I had to make a decision without seeing the school myself, and it was definitely the right decision for us. The school community is really making our stay in Singapore wonderful, and the kids are super happy at school. They love it. I really love it too, and I am very pleased with the quality of the education my children are receiving. We have quite a few children from the UK at our school, it is quite an international group of students.

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Post by pupsiecola » Tue, 08 May 2012 3:14 pm

Hi BrooklynJenn,
Thanks so much. Your reply has put a smile on my face! Any chance you could PM me please? I can't do so as apparently I've not posted enough ... yet.

Many thanks,

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