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Foreign Coin Deposit

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Foreign Coin Deposit

Post by BigSis » Sun, 26 Feb 2012 1:25 pm

Does anyone know of any charity or anything like that where you can donate foreign coins? I've seen collection boxes at the airport but never anywhere else.

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Post by scarbowl » Sun, 26 Feb 2012 8:37 pm

No. They have no value except in one's home country. So they have to be carted to their origin and cashed in. Seems like more trouble than they are worth. Suggest you either toss them or take them home when you go.

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Post by ecureilx » Mon, 27 Feb 2012 10:15 am

scarbowl wrote:No. They have no value except in one's home country. So they have to be carted to their origin and cashed in. Seems like more trouble than they are worth. Suggest you either toss them or take them home when you go.
wrong .. when my volunteer association do their annual flag day, we do get donations in US, MYR, and RMB and more .. We don't tell them that we only accept S$ ! Heck, once somebody pushed in a 1,000 Philippine peso - worthless ? no, it is worth S$ 35 ! much more than what Singapore residents donate - who rarely donate more than 5 $ ..

When we deposit the cash to the bank, we pack the non-Singapore currency separately and the banks take care of doing the conversion and crediting, that includes the coins too. we may not get good rates, but that's the bank problem to either accept it or reject it

Once we had a dozen Bolivian Coins which the bank returned to us .. and the coins became decorative items in the office, rarely it has happened otherwise.

If you want to donate, you don't worry about the logistics - just do it ...

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Post by guggsi » Tue, 15 Oct 2013 4:43 pm


so where to deposit, the bank or your association?

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