Was it sold with or without warranty? Your sale papers should say. If no warranty you can try and recover through SCT but your claims would be rather limited... you did agree that there was no warranty... and it would probably need to be egregious fraud to get a judgment.disgruntled wrote:I bought a 4 year old Nissan Sunny from a car dealer at the start of February for $40K, it was sold with the pretence that it was in 'Good Condition' I have since found a number of issues with the car and some have been resolved by the dealer very swiftly, others have not and they refuse to do so, only to pay me a meagre cash settlement of $500. This is a pathetic payment and frankly I am not sure what to do.
I have been to Case and they said I should first try to resolve the issue directly, I have tried but they are not understanding.
Am I likely to win anything at SCT, I am feeling very scared by the whole ordeal, I really need a good car and cannot afford the repairs otherwise.
I would truly just like to return the car now and forget the whole ordeal ever happened, otherwise I would like them to pay for all the issues to be resolved on the car.
Does anyone have any experience in this matter?
The sales advert did state that the vehicle was in "Excellent condition" however, 3 of the issues are considered major by the inspecting garage and 2 are considered dangerous. They have also stated that although they said the vehicle was in excellent condition, they haven't checked the vehicle at all, just taken the word of the previous owner.i) above mentioned vehicle is free from all encumbrances whatsoever and all details certified to be true and accurate.
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