Singapore Expats

Adoption process for Australians in Singapore

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Post by Jeppo » Thu, 13 Dec 2012 3:07 pm

Dochas70 wrote:Hi,
we're expats living in Singapore and luckily we can get a letter of assurance from our embassy here so we can adopt from Malaysia or Indonesia.
Sorry, but you won't be able to adopt from Indonesia (legally) unless you have been living there for at least five years.

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Post by offshoreoildude » Thu, 13 Dec 2012 3:11 pm

Jeppo wrote:
Dochas70 wrote:Hi,
we're expats living in Singapore and luckily we can get a letter of assurance from our embassy here so we can adopt from Malaysia or Indonesia.
Sorry, but you won't be able to adopt from Indonesia (legally) unless you have been living there for at least five years.
Even then Australia doesn't like Indo adoptions. I think the current flavours are Nepalese and ?
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Post by Dochas70 » Thu, 13 Dec 2012 6:00 pm

Thanks for the replies and the info.
We're both Irish, and as we can definitely adopt from Malaysia that's probably the best option for us. Any advice on agencies to use or avoid?
Thanks again!

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Post by offshoreoildude » Thu, 13 Dec 2012 8:55 pm

Dochas70 wrote:Thanks for the replies and the info.
We're both Irish, and as we can definitely adopt from Malaysia that's probably the best option for us. Any advice on agencies to use or avoid?
Thanks again!
Frankly - Malaysia is a bit sucky for adoptions. I'd seriously look for a local kid first - that's what we found.

For those interested in Australian adoptions - only 333 kids were adopted last year - most to step and foster parents. It's the lowest on record. ... 6536401261
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Post by Jeppo » Thu, 21 Feb 2013 4:36 pm

offshoreoildude wrote:
Jeppo wrote:
Dochas70 wrote:Hi,
we're expats living in Singapore and luckily we can get a letter of assurance from our embassy here so we can adopt from Malaysia or Indonesia.
Sorry, but you won't be able to adopt from Indonesia (legally) unless you have been living there for at least five years.
Even then Australia doesn't like Indo adoptions. I think the current flavours are Nepalese and ?
Just a quick update. We adopted an Indonesian boy in 2008, appled for his Australian PR in November last year. Yesterday we received his PR approval.

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Adoption by Australian citizen

Post by chmllp » Tue, 29 Oct 2013 5:52 pm

Jeppo wrote:
offshoreoildude wrote:
Jeppo wrote: Sorry, but you won't be able to adopt from Indonesia (legally) unless you have been living there for at least five years.
Even then Australia doesn't like Indo adoptions. I think the current flavours are Nepalese and ?
Just a quick update. We adopted an Indonesian boy in 2008, appled for his Australian PR in November last year. Yesterday we received his PR approval.

Hi Jeppo, did you adopt the child under Singapore or Indonesian law? How do you apply for Australian PR? Is the child still holding Indonesian nationality? Are you and the child living in Singapore?

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Adoption process for Australians in Singapore

Post by Steven042 » Fri, 16 Dec 2016 3:02 pm

Hi all, first time poster and looking for some help.

My wife and i are both Australians and been living in Singapore for a long time now. We are looking to adopt a child and were wondering if anyone was able to provide some advice to us or if you have completed the process yourself maybe you could speak with us.

We understand that adopting a Singapore child while easier is also harder at the same time due to the relatively small number of children that are available for adoption. We are actually look outside of Singapore and this is the process that is very foggy and confusing for us.

ANY ADVICE? Would really appreciate the help.


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Re: Adoption process for Australians in Singapore

Post by PNGMK » Fri, 16 Dec 2016 6:06 pm

Steven - I am an Aussie and have adopted a SC here in Singapore who we found through a local adoption agent. One thing you need to be careful of is that the Australian govt have recently changed rules which make 'third county' adoptions (i.e. 3rd country to Singapore to Australia) a bit harder as they correctly only recognize an adoption order issued by the home country of the child NOT the more compliant Singapore FC. As far as I can tell the 14 month overseas residency private adoption permitted rule is still ok though (i.e. you can adopt overseas privately after 14 months provided the purpose of being overseas is not for adoption).

I could pass you our agents contact but frankly I don't recommend her. Happy to talk to you about the whole process though. One warning - do not try to adopt a child via the MCYS (for example a foster child). MCYS children are almost never released for adoption by none Singaporeans by the ministry.
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Re: Adopting Singaporean babies

Post by Canucks » Sun, 24 Nov 2019 5:36 pm

canuckmum wrote:
Wed, 12 Sep 2012 5:07 pm
If you find an SC child through 'private' channels (i.e. a non MCYS agency) you can skip most of the home study BS, MCYS will do a cursory home and background check to make sure you're not a broke pedo and you're ready to go the Singapore family court - they issue an adoption order - then the judge orders the ICA to issue a new birt cert. Doing a private adoption of an SC is about 10% of the effort and 33% of the cost of adopting a non SC kid into Singapore.

Note - gheys are not allowed to adopt kids in Singapore.
Thanks! I guess the difficulty of finding a Singaporean baby. Apparently they aren't as numerous as foreign babies. Ah well, worth a try.

Hey Canuck
Were you able to adopt if so from which country? Did you do the court here in Singapore? Please help we are stuck.

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