Hi all,
I've been browsing these forums for few weeks trying to work out what options are available to me. I'm basically wanting to relocate from the UK to SG.
The main issue I've had so far is that most job postings want local Singaporeans (or a local interview), so with that in mind I figure my chances will be higher if I'm actually in Singapore looking for work.
What I've worked out:
1) UK resident with UK passport will get 90 days tourist visa by default
2) If I come here I can only stop in hotels / Serviced Apartments until I find work and get an EP
3) I can look for work whilst here, but can't work for a Singapore company without them sponsoring my EP
What I'm not sure on:
1) If my current company offers to let me contract remotely (paying into overseas bank), do I still have to register that I'm 'working'? (since its temporary I'm not concerned about the tax being higher in the UK vs setting up a local company, which I doubt I'd have the capital to even do)
2) If I found a company here in Singapore that would hire me as a contractor to my current company, could they do that for less than 3 months (i.e. EP for the duration of my contract work)
3) If I then found a permanent role whilst contracting, would there be any issues changing jobs after only being here less than 3 months?