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EP application rejected, now some questions

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EP application rejected, now some questions

Post by oswindijkwever » Sat, 21 Jan 2012 4:09 pm

Hey all,

I've scanned the entire forum for similar questions and couldn't find it, so here we go.

Recently, my company has applied for Employment Pass for me in Singapore. During this application, I did truthfully answer the fact that I had been convicted and (consequently) been deported from the US about a decade ago. As you may guess, the application got rejected and for the company, this is pretty much it.

My questions now:
  • The company claims they weren't offered the option of appeal. Isn't appeal always possible?
  • Is deportation always ground to reject an application? Will there be a time when this "expires"?
  • Could the fact that my work experience has not been listed in the application be a factor in the rejection decission?
  • Is there a waiting period, before I can apply again?
  • Do you have any other information that could be valuable?
Thanks in advance all!

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Post by beppi » Sat, 21 Jan 2012 7:37 pm

MoM evaluates many points when deciding about an EP application. And they don't normally tell the reason for a rejection.
No (mentioned) work experience is certainly a minus, a non-minor criminal conviction is a big minus.
You can always appeal, but without new facts this would be a waste of time (just saying "Pleeeaaase look at it again!" doesn't work in Singapore). The same is true for re-application after some time. If adding your work experience would help cannot be predicted.
A criminal conviction with deportation is pretty major in my opinion. If it is for overstaying your visa, illegal work or has anything to do with drugs, you can probably forget about ever working in Singapore.

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