MabelSoe wrote:
Where can you find Asian paintings in Singapore?
I'd say that it'd depend on your definition of an "Asian painting"? Would it be one
about Asia (these usually encompass cliched oil paintings of Buddha's face, monks walking somewhere, batik-clad Asian ladies with large baskets on their heads, etc.)? Or paintings
by Asian artists?
I can't help you with the former, but for the latter, you can try these places for a start: (next one is in 2013)
These are local art centres/events that also sell works by local artists.
There are lots of local art galleries, of course. But I find what they sell to be overpriced and (frequently) hideous. But, naturally, art is subjective...
Personally, I have a number of works by local and regional artists, including
Donna Ong (,
Alan Oei (,
Iskandar Jalil ( and
Lee Man Fong ( All are remarkable works that I would never part with.
If you really are passionate about art and wish to buy works by local or regional artists, I'd strongly recommend that you read a little more about Southeast Asian art first and attend as many arts events as you can, before selecting which artists' works you'd like to purchase.