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American School - Reviews Pros/Cons

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American School - Reviews Pros/Cons

Post by VA2HK2SG » Fri, 13 Jan 2012 11:24 am

Moving to Singapore soon, from HK, but US citizens. Our son will go to one of the 2 schools, but we cant decide and will not be able to make it to visit Singapore until a few weeks before our move so we need to proceed with registering at both. I have read a lot on these boards about schools but really can't get any clear picture on pros/cons of each of the 2 American Schools (SAS and SAIS).

Not asking which is better, as that is a matter of personel prefence, but rather just looking for some honest info on some of the pros/cons of the 2 schools from peoples experience at either one.

Many Thanks for your help.

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Location: Singapore


Post by Stilli » Fri, 13 Jan 2012 8:14 pm

Hi - We moved from HK to Singapore in June. We have a daughter in grade 2 at SAIS. She was in an IB school in HK and we wanted to continue with this so we did not even consider SAS. We are very happy with SAIS and to be honest I was a bit nervous bc it is a relatively new school. Having said that we find it to be very well established - the head of school is fantastic and very committed. We love the fact that it is a small school (at least for now) and the class size is small with a teaching assistant. Another important factor for us was the Mandarin program which is quite good and our daughter can continue with her daily lessons/exposure. If you have any specific questions just ask - happy to help.

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Post by scarbowl » Sat, 14 Jan 2012 10:08 am

There is a third American school in Singapore. The International Community School. Slightly smaller than SAIS and with a Christian focus. They offer an American diploma.

SAIS is British owned and operated with a British head. No high school yet. In its third year of operation. New campus next year but without all the amenities of its larger competitor. Less expensive, though. Close to town.

SAS has been operating for over 50 years. Large and well-resourced campus. Offers an American diploma and a very wide range of courses. Less convenient if you live downtown.

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