SV1231 wrote:Yes, I have the receipts for all payments that I have done. In all S$1,100.
Thankfully, I have now a plan B, which is slightly more expensive but certain. I should have that worked out in a day or 2.
That's good too.
Is there a way I can ensure that she can’t cheat anyone else in future?
I know it is hard to be objective when you're right in the thick of it. But you have no contract/agreement, so in what way has she cheated you?
Is this fit to be reported to police?
For what offence? I'd suggest trying not to get distracted by wanting to get 'revenge' on her, but concentrating on getting your deposit back.
I have googled her number & can see that she has been advertising the room as recently as jan 05th.
But that doesn't constitute any offence does it? If she refuses to return your deposit, then that is another matter. Hence my mention of the SCT.
I can organize another place , others might not be so lucky.
That might be a concern, but ultimately it is not your problem. Focus on what you want out of this.
Caveat emptor.
SV1231 wrote:At the outset allow me to state that i value the element of objective evaluation devoid of passion & prejudice that you bring to the table..
Kind of you to say. Like I said right at the start I realise precisely how being in the thick of it can cloud one's perspective
However, most respectfully I will like to disagree with the suggestion that there wasn’t something fishy or it wasn’t her intention to defraud me.
May be not in letter but certainly in spirit!
A suggestion of fishiness does not a court case win
My Singaporean friend who accompanied me in fact was insisting that we must report it to police & let them investigate if it is fraud.
And again I ask, what fraud?
However, having received a dose on my objectivity let me to persuade him to focus on getting the cash back.
Which is good. So your issue is adequately resolved.
Having met her, dealt with her (and her lies) I am convinced that she was no ordinary housewife who just could not honour a commitment… I am sure a less perseverant party would have forfeited their deposit.
Why would they forfeit their deposit, when if they had a case to make, the avenue via the SCT is simple, cheap and easy to follow?
I grant that there wasn’t an agreement (& I did not know that an agreement is a precondition even for deposit).
It is not a precondition, but it is common sense, no?
However, I had signed receipts with her FIN # , signature & reason mentioned. She would have some challenge explaining that.
Indeed she would if she failed to return your deposit. But she didn't. So it's not an issue.
In the end what actually worked was a threat to report the matter to police.
Yes it's interesting that, I wonder why. Maybe the threat of the issue escalating further was enough to snap her out of her confusion, realign her immediate priorities, and so on.
But, like I said I respect your views & help. Let us agree to disagree on this.
BTW, I guess it was Oscar Wilde who said "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple
Ok, let's agree to disagreeBut please also take it as a salutary lesson, that you managed to walk away from with nil damage and just a bit of effort. Like I said also back at the start 'caveat emptor'. You're going to meet plenty of other people like this lady later in your life, and you'll be playing higher and more complex stakes, so keep it in mind
Good luck in your other place.
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