I've been lurking around this site for a while now and must say I've gotten some great info. I am an American from Texas and will be relocating to Singapore through my company sometime in the late Spring/early Summer 2012. My partner is a teacher here in Texas and she will be joining me later in the Summer. She has 3-4 years teaching experience, the majority of which has been focused on special needs children between the ages of 2-5. She is open to teaching non special needs infants as well.
I guess my first question is when should she start applying - is mid January too early/late for job postings for the 12-13 school year? We've done some basic research on the bigger International Schools such as SAS, Tanglin, Stamford - any advice on where to look further would be greatly appreciated.
We wouldn't be married when she comes over (well, i don't think..!) and no children, so I'd imagine the main concern on top of salary would be return flights home and possible housing allowance to supplement mine.
Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from the board.