I bought myself one of those new iPhone 4S's which as most people know requires a Micro-SIM. Unfortunately my Starhub prepaid SIM was of the larger variety, so I went to Starhub to ask them to replace it with a Micro-SIM.
"Cannot," was what I heard. When asking why I was told that they simply cannot change/replace prepaid SIM cards... even at a charge. I was advised to cut the card to the Micro-SIM size instead, which was exactly what I attempted to do soon afterwards.
Now my SIM was of the older variety where the chip itself is quite wide, so when I put it into the cutting tool I could see straight away that it would clip the chip itself. So I pre-clipped the card with scissors first, and then used the tool to clip the SIM so that the chip would fit right in the middle instead of getting damaged.
Well, needless to say, the chip wouldn't work in my iPhone, but it would still work in my old phone if I positioned it right. Still a pretty useless solution for me as I just bought myself a new phone. So I went back to Starhub, told them what happened, and received the same answer that they cannot give me a new SIM, and that I should buy a new number from them instead. I dooooon't think so!
Turns out that in Singapore there is a solution to this, namely to... CHANGE CELLPHONE NETWORKS! So I went to Singtel, and lo and behold... they were able to give me a new Micro-SIM card and port my old number across from Starhub.
What a silly way to lose a customer... adios Starhub! Bye!