Thing is Aster this situation has not just accidentally happened, it was designed and implemented via 13 years of Labour government policy.
The plan was let everyone in, give them unlimited free stuff > then they'll vote for us in perpetuity. The aim was to have a client state so large (together with the burgeoning public service, and bent postal votes and constituency boundaries), that Labour
could never be voted out again. Let's face it, anywhere north of 'productive Britain' (i.e.beyond London zone 3,

) you could still to this day pin a red rosette on a dog-turd and it would get voted into office.
This belief system is now so culturally embedded via institutional liberalism and political correctness, that it is tantamount to inciting the pogroms to suggest [shhh.... whisper it] that maybe unemployed Somali asylum seekers actually have no need to live in £2k a week Kensington townhouses funded by the productive taxpayers.
So now that respectable British opinion is kneeling at the altar pathetically grateful to have a state provided toll-road out of society's state-imposed post-colonial bourgeois guilt, and basks contentedly in the self-anointed sophisticated and benevolent uplands amongst post-enlightenment societies, how might one even contemplate starting to turn back the clock on such
unarguable social 'progress'?
Answers on a postcard