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Post by aster » Sun, 08 Jan 2012 11:44 am

Way too many benefits in the UK, maybe it's time to change a few definitions and classify Britain as part of Scandinavia? :)

I think there should be decent incentives for families to thrive, for birth rates to go up, but what's happening in the UK is just mad. It's become benefit-extortion central and a place where some have figured out a way to "beat the system" and enjoy a parasitic life-style at the expense of... the honest taxpayer.

And of course all this leads to the UK becoming a magnet... for asylum seekers and immigrants who come not to work but to sit around and do nothing, while collecting money.

If you come to the UK to work, "Welcome", if you come to the UK to AVOID WORK and abuse the welfare system, "F... Off!".

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 09 Jan 2012 3:36 am

Thing is Aster this situation has not just accidentally happened, it was designed and implemented via 13 years of Labour government policy.

The plan was let everyone in, give them unlimited free stuff > then they'll vote for us in perpetuity. The aim was to have a client state so large (together with the burgeoning public service, and bent postal votes and constituency boundaries), that Labour could never be voted out again. Let's face it, anywhere north of 'productive Britain' (i.e.beyond London zone 3, ;)) you could still to this day pin a red rosette on a dog-turd and it would get voted into office.

This belief system is now so culturally embedded via institutional liberalism and political correctness, that it is tantamount to inciting the pogroms to suggest [shhh.... whisper it] that maybe unemployed Somali asylum seekers actually have no need to live in £2k a week Kensington townhouses funded by the productive taxpayers.

So now that respectable British opinion is kneeling at the altar pathetically grateful to have a state provided toll-road out of society's state-imposed post-colonial bourgeois guilt, and basks contentedly in the self-anointed sophisticated and benevolent uplands amongst post-enlightenment societies, how might one even contemplate starting to turn back the clock on such unarguable social 'progress'?

Answers on a postcard :wink:

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Post by JR8 » Wed, 18 Jan 2012 4:51 am

Hoy KSL!

If that vinegar stuff hasn't done you in, this article just might.

Romanian Big Issue seller given legal right to claim housing benefit (on top of the £25,000 she already claims) ... -year.html

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Post by nutnut » Wed, 18 Jan 2012 8:33 am

I am so glad I no longer live there. That's all I can say!

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Post by aster » Wed, 18 Jan 2012 10:05 am

The UK has become benefits central. I wonder why these types aren't flocking to Scandinavia, surely there are more freebies on offer there?

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Post by buyan » Wed, 18 Jan 2012 9:48 pm

Too cold in Scandinavia....the delivery pizzas to feed the eight children would get too cold and soggy.

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Post by JR8 » Wed, 18 Jan 2012 9:54 pm

'My childhood home has been invaded by Moldovan squatters': Woman's anguish as eight Eastern Europeans break in days before she is due to sell ... tters.html

Isn't life just grand as they say in Moldovan. Could be worse, if Moldova was in the EU they'd be legally squatting the house, plus getting benefits.

Bonkers Britain!

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Post by aster » Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:31 pm

buyan wrote:Too cold in Scandinavia....the delivery pizzas to feed the eight children would get too cold and soggy.
Plus they'd cost the equivalent of 50 Euros each, which would be a lot even on a generous benefits allowance...

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Post by durain » Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:32 pm

no doubt the human rights law will be on the moldovan side!

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Post by nutnut » Thu, 19 Jan 2012 8:17 am

Pah, Human rights! That's disgraceful! Poor woman, trying to make an honest house sale and this happens! doesn't matter to me whether it;s locals or foreigners, this is not on! People should not simply be able to break into your property and claim it's theirs.

Typical of the daily mail to make a meal out of the Moldova thing though! ;)

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Post by BillyB » Thu, 19 Jan 2012 10:21 am

Why don't you all renounce your citizenship if you hate it that much?!

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Post by nutnut » Thu, 19 Jan 2012 10:48 am

Now now Billy...

My citizenship allows me to live and travel freely amongst many sovereign and commonwealth nations, I wouldn't get that with many other citizenships, it's my birthright and likewise, it's my right to have an opinion on the state of the country!

I will just live elsewhere for now and not pay tax for the time being so to avoid having to pay for the scumbags.

Maybe I'll renounce it one day, when I am confident I never want to return.

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Post by x9200 » Thu, 19 Jan 2012 10:55 am

JR8 wrote:'My childhood home has been invaded by Moldovan squatters': Woman's anguish as eight Eastern Europeans break in days before she is due to sell ... tters.html

Isn't life just grand as they say in Moldovan. Could be worse, if Moldova was in the EU they'd be legally squatting the house, plus getting benefits.

Bonkers Britain!
This is not only Britain. This is along the socialistic EU law that overprotects the tenants. Police have no means to remove them as they can not rule in particular civil case. The only time they can remove such squatters is if they are caught the time they invaded the place or shortly after it (so for breaking in or trespassing).

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Post by aster » Thu, 19 Jan 2012 11:57 am

The system is being abused by everyone, and some have caught on how to make the most of it by coming to the UK.

A while back I watched a news report that showed that those who come to the UK to WORK actually produce better numbers when it comes to propping up the budget than UK nationals in general (naturally counting all immigrants with UK passports), who have been taking more out than they are putting in.

There should be a way to differentiate between those who come to partake in the economy and push it forward and those who come to be parasites. Of course this would be a whole lot easier if the system in general was tightened up to prevent abuse and widespread handouts on an overall scale.

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Post by BillyB » Thu, 19 Jan 2012 12:06 pm

aster wrote:The system is being abused by everyone, and some have caught on how to make the most of it by coming to the UK.

A while back I watched a news report that showed that those who come to the UK to WORK actually produce better numbers when it comes to propping up the budget than UK nationals in general (naturally counting all immigrants with UK passports), who have been taking more out than they are putting in.

There should be a way to differentiate between those who come to partake in the economy and push it forward and those who come to be parasites. Of course this would be a whole lot easier if the system in general was tightened up to prevent abuse and widespread handouts on an overall scale.
There is a way; find a Government who actually know what they are doing!

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