Shocking! I think all these obscene articles should be put on one youtube video, so it can do the circuit. The veterans have gathered over 100,000 signatures at the moment to cut back on foreigners. Though it's mostly refugees that are laughing at everyone!JR8 wrote:Somali asylum seeker family given £2m house... after complaining 5-bed London home was 'in poor area' ... -area.html
Well the benefits lifestyle is an enviable one it seems! Apparently there are even some three generation households where no one has ever worked in their life. It's mad.durain wrote:why do you think so many people want to get to the UK? it is the land of the free the minute you arrive, all paid for by the tax payer.
This is seriously racist and not what I might have expected from an expat with 30 plus years in Asia, including marriage to non white races.sundaymorningstaple wrote:Damn! And I though the blacks in the US had a system. The UK's system makes us look like rank amateurs. The difference? We have more of 'em doin' it, so in actual dollars spend we are the biggest fools, but the UK has them literally getting rich off the system.
I guess the British shouldn't say squat about the US then.......
His head is the right size... not sure capt winkie is thoughJR8 wrote:nutnut wrote:Makes me glad I'm no longer there!
Socialism... Great, until you run out of someone else's money!
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