I agree with most of your post Nut, but am disappointed to apparently be at the front of your line of stirrersnutnut wrote: Being a newbie on the forum myself, I must admit that I am surprised that those who come on new and expect that they can get whatever they want however they want and complain when JR8 gives them a hard time (or someone else). In my experience of Forums from different topics and walks of life, those who spend the time and effort to answer the same questions 2/3/4/5 times tend to not want to hear cheek from people.
I work from home, mostly PC based all day, so the forum and post notifications are on all-day. As such I perhaps have a more visible profile than many others. Though there are others that have higher post/rates than me. I also probably get to new posts ahead of many others too, and if I am confident I can help I try to. I do not think pointing a person towards the search function is unhelpful if I know the answer to their question can simply be found there, although some newbies apparently do!
Anyhowz, I'd add that 80+% of my posts are 'selfless acts of giving' , and so they count in the thousands. If a thread degenerates to slanging, look at it closely, it is veeeeeeery rarely that I start the kicking-off! (though if is global warming/eco/green nonsense, or EU politics, then granted it may well get a caustic comment from me quite early on).
p.s. I was pondering this topic earlier today. I find it a little hard to understand why those who profess to give un-opinionated help and advice seem to post so rarely or in fact end up leaving. For surely if they were at hand to reply to every 'Is $200k enough to live on in SG?' question for the 2/3/4/5/etc time, with the custom tailored advice being demanded, then these questions/threads would be effectively resolved and closed, with no need to further comment from 'the opinionated'. But no... where are they, almost always completely absent?
p.s. Bunter, as Nak says a FAQ likely won't help. As previously discussed (in it's own topic) a while back, a lot of people believe their circumstances are unique, plus, they are stressed out, and for them the need is personal advice (not using search), hand-holding as such. No FAQ will over-ride that.
p.s. P off Nut-job or al gev yer a speshal Glesgy-kiss on your nut [only joking ]