Singapore Expats

PR application. Alone or together with spouse

Relocating, travelling or planning to make Singapore home? Discuss the criterias, passes or visa that is required.
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Post by offshoreoildude » Wed, 17 Oct 2012 6:14 pm

lolipop99 wrote:
Mad Scientist wrote:What Saint said is absolute spot on BUT being Malaysian Chinese, ICA will expedite their process quick smart. You will be surprise that they will bent the rule to accommodate. This is what I have been fighting all my life the bloody unfairness treated between Aryan Race and the minority races.
If anyone said there is no racial discrimination in the RED DOT, either that person is blind or the eyes is covered with a lot of SH*T !!

I hate to say this but I have to agree that there is no transparency here at all, in fact from the time I am here till now the people that use singapore as stepping stone the most tend to be the ones that got approved the easiest
I doubt that. I see for example far more MY Chinese staying here than Indians. IF MY want to go somewhere they tend to go straight from MY.
Now I'm called PNGMK

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the lynx
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Post by the lynx » Wed, 17 Oct 2012 8:44 pm

lolipop99 wrote:
Mad Scientist wrote:What Saint said is absolute spot on BUT being Malaysian Chinese, ICA will expedite their process quick smart. You will be surprise that they will bent the rule to accommodate. This is what I have been fighting all my life the bloody unfairness treated between Aryan Race and the minority races.
If anyone said there is no racial discrimination in the RED DOT, either that person is blind or the eyes is covered with a lot of SH*T !!

I hate to say this but I have to agree that there is no transparency here at all, in fact from the time I am here till now the people that use singapore as stepping stone the most tend to be the ones that got approved the easiest
Not quite. I agree with OSOD actually.

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