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I'm a Turkish man who wants to settle in Singapore

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I'm a Turkish man who wants to settle in Singapore

Post by sdkks » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 4:46 am

I've been reading forums for sometime but I couldn't find similar case to mine, maybe no one had a problem like that or it would not be a problem. However, I worry about it knowing that Singapore state is strict about regulations.

The thing is, I'm a Turkish man, living in Turkey, working for a public institution (Turkish Grain Board) as a part of the technical staff and my salary is like 2300K SGD + an apartment to rent for a small amount of money as benefit (I pay 150 SGD for rent of my apartment, it belongs to govt and it is 90m² large) + good health benefits. (Before taxes, insurance n social cuts etc it is above 2700K ) A good life in Turkey, I can't complain. (I do feel like beating some colleauges though)

My workplace is an industrial facility, a big size (100.000 tonnes) grain silo to import-export/store grain. My title is higher than technician yet not one I can name in English because such a word does not exist. (Dictionary says technologist? I've just heard of it.)

I operate the facility automation (PLC - SCADA), keep inventory and track movements of grain, prepare reports and sometimes attend maintenance and repair in case staff is short at that time. (Plus some ultra boring paperwork you do because it is a government job. Sometimes go buy equipment or estimate costs for buying new one or outsource the repair. There are lots of other unnecessary stuff I do too, but TMI, right.)

I have 3 years + work experience. I have diploma in electronic communication. (Transmissions, telecommunications, networking stuff.) Graduated with good marks, was best in my school in my programme, (though I've not been given a certificate indicating that, yet there is a Turkish govt website query showing that I'm) , didn't have chance to study for degree (we don't have part time degree here) after I got into work, I didn't want to be a student with money problems again.

Until this paragraph, everything is perfect, a life I keep to myself, live along. My concerns start when I think of settling in Singapore. Because I'm going to marry a Singapore citizen in four months, who holds a degree and works as staff nurse in critical care unit of a state hospital, has nice income, lives with her retired father, paying installments of apartment from her CPF. No money or house problem.

Now, how should I proceed about settling in Singapore?

I used Self Assesment tool of M.o.M. to see if I'm qualified enough for S-Pass. The thing is about occupation. When I enter technologist, it says I'm unlikely, when I choose technical officer (translation from Turkish won't be this word, but the things I do are same) I'm likely. There's a title above mine, which is given to degree holders, I cannot use that either, that would be deceiving. Official and translation part of thing is like this.

Considering that I won't have a problem about a place to live and my future wife can sponsor me and has a good job, getting S-pass would be likely to happen if I apply after marriage.

However, I can also apply for PR, by her sponsorship, since I will be spouse of Singapore citizen, who has a house and earning good enough.

Things are looking optimistic, but you should think about possible bitter surprises too. I would like to know, how much a future wife like mine would help my situation to settle in Singapore, obtain a pass or PR?

If it is good enough, after marriage I will quit my job here, come to Singapore, (can enter for one month without visa, as tourist) apply for long term social visit pass, apply for s-pass or PR, or both if possible.

However, after marriage, we can live seperated (idea makes me feel awful) until PR is approved, then I can quit and move. A PR rejection after that long wait would be terrible too.

If I quit my job here, I can't return back (too many regulations and formalities - yet start back with beginners salary and benefits if I happen to get a good govt. job again)

I'm very confused about how to approach to this matter, I don't want to live 8600 kilometers away for 6 months or longer from my wife after I marry. I don't know If I'm worrying too much about the approach, rejection and strictness of Singapore state too.

People, who have a Singaporean spouse who sponsored them, please help me, enlighten me. How much sponsorship help? Coming right away and hoping S-Pass or PR is too risky? I live alone here, I will have to sell or give away my all house appliances, furniture, electronics, pc n stuff too. When all factors are involved, it sounds like a big decision. I need to move there, because of family matter and to keep my future wife happy. Only living parent of her is 10 years older than my parents, has diabetes and had a heart attack recently too. Considering all these, I can't be unfair and force her to settle here.

I talked too much already I know, considering what points you would wonder about my situation, in case you would be so kind to help and enlighten me, I asked myself some questions and wrote all these. Hopefully it may help someone in the future too, thanks to Google.

I did research, a lot of idea exchange with people I could, I've never tried here, but I got a feeling it might help, I'm even too late for that.

Also I can gladly help you people about Turkish and Turkey. Maybe even about family matters or social matters, in case one of you foreigners (for me) marry a Turkish man or lady. You might wish to make a Turkey trip or ask for shopping advise, here I am, PM me. I will answer when I'm free.

I kind of squeezed introduction, help request etc into one topic. I'm already feeling sorry people who will read on a phone. (On 32" Monitor a paragraph is like a row)

Thanks. (Well I hope at least you will enjoy the read.) Every piece of info is appreciated.

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Re: I'm a Turkish man who wants to settle in Singapore

Post by Mad Scientist » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 5:33 am

The thing is, I'm a Turkish man, living in Turkey, working for a public institution (Turkish Grain Board) as a part of the technical staff and my salary is like 2300K SGD[/b] + an apartment to rent for a small amount of money as benefit (I pay 150 SGD for rent of my apartment, it belongs to govt and it is 90m² large) + good health benefits. (Before taxes, insurance n social cuts etc it is above 2700K ) A good life in Turkey, I can't complain. (I do feel like beating some colleauges though)

Are you sure you are paid this much ?

My workplace is an industrial facility, a big size (100.000 tonnes) grain silo to import-export/store grain. My title is higher than technician yet not one I can name in English because such a word does not exist. (Dictionary says technologist? I've just heard of it.)

I operate the facility automation (PLC - SCADA), keep inventory and track movements of grain, prepare reports and sometimes attend maintenance and repair in case staff is short at that time. (Plus some ultra boring paperwork you do because it is a government job. Sometimes go buy equipment or estimate costs for buying new one or outsource the repair. There are lots of other unnecessary stuff I do too, but TMI, right.)

Food Technologist or Food Process Engineer

I have 3 years + work experience. I have diploma in electronic communication. (Transmissions, telecommunications, networking stuff.) Graduated with good marks, was best in my school in my programme, (though I've not been given a certificate indicating that, yet there is a Turkish govt website query showing that I'm) , didn't have chance to study for degree (we don't have part time degree here) after I got into work, I didn't want to be a student with money problems again.

Not much experience, I would have thought. You will hard pressed to get a decent job here but you never know if you do not try

Until this paragraph, everything is perfect, a life I keep to myself, live along. My concerns start when I think of settling in Singapore. Because I'm going to marry a Singapore citizen in four months, who holds a degree and works as staff nurse in critical care unit of a state hospital, has nice income, lives with her retired father, paying installments of apartment from her CPF. No money or house problem.

Now, how should I proceed about settling in Singapore?

I used Self Assesment tool of M.o.M. to see if I'm qualified enough for S-Pass. The thing is about occupation. When I enter technologist, it says I'm unlikely, when I choose technical officer (translation from Turkish won't be this word, but the things I do are same) I'm likely. There's a title above mine, which is given to degree holders, I cannot use that either, that would be deceiving. Official and translation part of thing is like this.

Considering that I won't have a problem about a place to live and my future wife can sponsor me and has a good job, getting S-pass would be likely to happen if I apply after marriage.

You really have to look up at ICA website. I guess you are Muslim and so is your future bride,right ?
It is best to get permission with ICA just to be on the safe side so that future application for LTSVP will be a breeze. GF needs to earn at least SGD$ 2.8K a month in order to for you to get LTSVP pass.
Getting ROM is easy in SG. For a Muslim you need to register with MUIS and take up marriage counseling course which is basically FOC. Do these then your LTSVP will be easier. Once you are in SG , you can look for a job and change your LTSVP pass to S, or EP pass whatever

However, I can also apply for PR, by her sponsorship, since I will be spouse of Singapore citizen, who has a house and earning good enough.

Things are looking optimistic, but you should think about possible bitter surprises too. I would like to know, how much a future wife like mine would help my situation to settle in Singapore, obtain a pass or PR?

If it is good enough, after marriage I will quit my job here, come to Singapore, (can enter for one month without visa, as tourist) apply for long term social visit pass, apply for s-pass or PR, or both if possible.

However, after marriage, we can live seperated (idea makes me feel awful) until PR is approved, then I can quit and move. A PR rejection after that long wait would be terrible too.

If I quit my job here, I can't return back (too many regulations and formalities - yet start back with beginners salary and benefits if I happen to get a good govt. job again)

I'm very confused about how to approach to this matter, I don't want to live 8600 kilometers away for 6 months or longer from my wife after I marry. I don't know If I'm worrying too much about the approach, rejection and strictness of Singapore state too.

People, who have a Singaporean spouse who sponsored them, please help me, enlighten me. How much sponsorship help? Coming right away and hoping S-Pass or PR is too risky? I live alone here, I will have to sell or give away my all house appliances, furniture, electronics, pc n stuff too. When all factors are involved, it sounds like a big decision. I need to move there, because of family matter and to keep my future wife happy. Only living parent of her is 10 years older than my parents, has diabetes and had a heart attack recently too. Considering all these, I can't be unfair and force her to settle here.

I talked too much already I know, considering what points you would wonder about my situation, in case you would be so kind to help and enlighten me, I asked myself some questions and wrote all these. Hopefully it may help someone in the future too, thanks to Google.

I did research, a lot of idea exchange with people I could, I've never tried here, but I got a feeling it might help, I'm even too late for that.

Also I can gladly help you people about Turkish and Turkey. Maybe even about family matters or social matters, in case one of you foreigners (for me) marry a Turkish man or lady. You might wish to make a Turkey trip or ask for shopping advise, here I am, PM me. I will answer when I'm free.

I kind of squeezed introduction, help request etc into one topic. I'm already feeling sorry people who will read on a phone. (On 32" Monitor a paragraph is like a row)

Thanks. (Well I hope at least you will enjoy the read.) Every piece of info is appreciated.

Yeah , you blab alot and I mean A LOT !!. Forget about all the rest as you do not qualify for the time being. Concentrate on the one I have replied.
Capisce ?

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Post by sdkks » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 5:45 am

Yes, surprisingly I'm paid that much. Sometimes work is very intense, they make you worth the value. (Overtime is like 1 dollar per hour, I remember working 12 hours everyday in 8 months and you can get kicked around to other branches for temporary assignments. I'm paid good for Turkey standards but they make you feel they own you.)

I will get copy of my pay check and details of it and all payments I got from accounting department and add to my application I guess.

I'm not food technologist, I know little about the food itself, I know more about the machinery, facility and automation.

What about pr by spouse sponsorship?

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Post by Mad Scientist » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 5:58 am

sdkks wrote:Yes, surprisingly I'm paid that much. Sometimes work is very intense, they make you worth the value. (Overtime is like 1 dollar per hour, I remember working 12 hours everyday in 8 months and you can get kicked around to other branches for temporary assignments. I'm paid good for Turkey standards but they make you feel they own you.)

I will get copy of my pay check and details of it and all payments I got from accounting department and add to my application I guess.

I'm not food technologist, I know little about the food itself, I know more about the machinery, facility and automation.

What about pr by spouse sponsorship?
If you are paid that much then go for PEP .. I really think you need to see what you wrote on your salary S$2,300,000.00 a year ? More than Loong and Harry pay packet and you only have three years experience. If this is true, we are in the wrong country and you should stay where you are coz you would never get this kind of pay in SG
PR via spouse sponsorship is possible but at this point of time. FORGET IT !! Stay for at least 2 years in SG then apply PR
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Post by sdkks » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 6:01 am

Ops, now I got the point, it is sort of bedtime here, but even later there, good catch. We can delete 3 "0"s.

It is my monthly payment, not annual. We never discuss yearly payment in Turkey. Sort of thing we only see in movies.

So the key is not directly jumping for PR, but wait, or else they usually reject? (considering my education and experience level)
Last edited by sdkks on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Mad Scientist » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 6:02 am

sdkks wrote:Ops, now I got the point, it is sort of bedtime here, but even later there, good catch. We can delete 3 "0"s.

So the key is not directly jumping for PR, but wait, or else they usually reject? (considering my education and experience level)
Yup, that's the plan
That is what you get when you blab too much
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Post by sdkks » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 6:09 am

Well, I'm not blabbing about any random stuff. Preferred a comprehensive summary first instead of too many Q&As in the topic, which would distract. Thanks for warning about the payment part, I should have noticed it.

I know once in a while a Turkish guy comes around and trolls with imaginary stories and help and information requests.... And irritates guys here.. Sort of Turkish Nigerians, trolling and spamming for free, just stealing your time, not money.

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 6:11 am

Waaaaay tooo long, better things to do than read all of that!

p.s. MS, bless your heart! :)

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Post by sdkks » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 5:23 pm

Anyone here who sponsored spouse for PR, got approval or rejected? Or someone who knows about any case?

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Fri, 02 Dec 2011 5:37 pm

sdkks wrote:Anyone here who sponsored spouse for PR, got approval or rejected? Or someone who knows about any case?
Yeah, I did. But that was many, many moons ago. I was rejected, appealed, rejected, waited 2 more years, reapplied & was approved. This coming June I will have been here 30 years.

Saint also did, but it's been around three years since he got his but at least it's still in the Cenozoic Era and not the Jurassic Era like mine....

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Post by beppi » Sat, 03 Dec 2011 8:29 am

If you can do PLC and SCADA programming, you can look for a related job in industrial automation. Good PLC programmers are rare in Singapore!

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Post by Mad Scientist » Sat, 03 Dec 2011 10:21 am


PLC on Binary. or Hexadecimal lined with Octagon or ......... IMHO, OP is not going anywhere
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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sat, 03 Dec 2011 10:36 am

beppi wrote:If you can do PLC and SCADA programming, you can look for a related job in industrial automation. Good PLC programmers are rare in Singapore!
The way I read his post regarding SCADA is that he is but an operator. I don't think he's a SCADA programmer. If that were the case he could just about waltz into any process industry from food to oil.

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Post by sdkks » Sat, 03 Dec 2011 12:57 pm

Well I had beginners level lessons about it, used to programme microcontrollers etc but all is history now. I operate, don't programme. By the way for s-pass I need 15k medical insurance, my employer is supposed to do that, or sometimes employees buy that themselves too? How much would the necessary pack could cost me?

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Post by Mad Scientist » Sun, 04 Dec 2011 8:13 am

sdkks wrote:Well I had beginners level lessons about it, used to programme microcontrollers etc but all is history now. I operate, don't programme. By the way for s-pass I need 15k medical insurance, my employer is supposed to do that, or sometimes employees buy that themselves too? How much would the necessary pack could cost me?
You do not need $15K for medical insurance. That is definitely over the top !!
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