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Child from Varsity Park left alone by nanny in front of mall

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Yukari Sakamoto
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Child from Varsity Park left alone by nanny in front of mall

Post by Yukari Sakamoto » Thu, 01 Dec 2011 7:00 pm

I was horrified this morning when I saw a nanny leave a child leave a boy all by himself for about ten minutes this morning in front of West Coast Mall. When she came back they got on the Varsity Park shuttle. The boy looked nervous. I heard her say something to him about she forgot to pick something up at Sheng Siong and she needed to run into the mall and that the boy should wait for her.

I stayed near the boy but did not speak to him. I wanted to confront the nanny, but was so upset.

The nanny had a blue bag that advertised Oreos in Chinese. The boy was carrying a heavy brand new bag of diapers.

If this nanny is looking after your child I suggest you get a new nanny. He easily could have been kidnapped. I am a mother and I couldn't believe it when I witnessed it all.

I am happy to answer questions about what I witnessed this morning. Feel free to contact me through this forum.

The boy and nanny definitely got on the Varsity Park bus. The boy was about four years old?

A child should never, ever be left alone. Especially at a busy place like West Coast Mall in the morning. I hope he is safe. That nanny should be fired and sent home.

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Post by JR8 » Thu, 01 Dec 2011 7:16 pm

I've seen parents doing similar. Maybe expectations are different in SE Asia?

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Post by nutnut » Thu, 01 Dec 2011 7:25 pm

It's a cultural thing! If the child was 8 or 9 back in UK then they'd be hanging outside the mall smoking and swearing a you anyway, you'd still be asking where the parents were, but for different reasons! Thing is, if you live across from a shop then do you allow your kids to go there alone and at what age?

Just a thought.

I wouldn't do it though, and neither would my maid!

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