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Is this travel agent safe and trustworthy?

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Is this travel agent safe and trustworthy?

Post by raymondng1973 » Fri, 25 Nov 2011 10:42 pm

I am actually searching for an agency who has packages offer to Oceanbay resort in Bintan Indonesia, I have searching for so long and finally I come about this website

I found the contact in this website and emailed them for inquiry, they responded to me with information that I am looking for. We have some email exchange and it's about to confirm and finalize the deal.

However, when I am asking how to finalize and payment, the guy from this agency told me I can either pay by bank transfer or drop by their office. I always not trust bank transfer thing so I op for go to their office so I asked for the address. That guy give me their office address as follow:

kaki bukit ave 3 Kb1 Building 03-17

Is there anyone in here ever booked any travel packages with this agency? Is this agency trustworthy? Please advise me. Thank you.

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Joined: Sun, 24 May 2009 2:21 pm

Post by hazelhz » Wed, 07 Dec 2011 1:03 am

Never heard, but why don't u book throught the resort itself, if u want the better deal, then u can ask the hotel who us their trusted partner agent.....

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