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Dreadful TV

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Dreadful TV

Post by Travailes » Thu, 17 Nov 2011 12:44 am

For a country claiming to be 'first world' I can only say that TV here is
definitely third world. Is it any better with any of the providers other than StarHub ? The programmes are permanently repeated. They are still showing rounds of the US Tennis Open for gods sake!! Sport - forget it - there isn't any that is not part of some super expensive option. NOTE TO PROVIDER - WWF is not sport. The rest is
National Geographic repeats or mindless US cop dramas. Films and dramas are ancient. The other problem seems to be the capacity of the cable network. My box turns itself off regularly if you channel hop for any length of time. Does anyone have a satellite dish (illegal ?) to pick up something decent ?

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Post by nakatago » Thu, 17 Nov 2011 8:41 am

You're preaching to the choir.

And we know the gahmen browses this forum but I don't think the MDA gives a flying f*** about content as long as it's not illegal...unless they make crappy programming illegal.
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Post by carteki » Thu, 17 Nov 2011 8:45 am

completely with you... (how about a weekend movie line up that dates back to the 80's as well)

The "box" turning itself off is a problem with the hardware. Contact Starhub and get it replaced.

You best option is to view the forum for other suggestions on how to get view foreign shows over the internet. Slingbox and using a VPN are the 2 best solutions here.

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