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CIS Lakeside, Stamford American or OFS- Confused !!

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CIS Lakeside, Stamford American or OFS- Confused !!

Post by crazysafari » Wed, 16 Nov 2011 9:15 pm

Hi, moving from Sydney to Singapore in January. Have a 6 year old who starts grade 1 in January.

Prefer IB as it is internationally acclaimed. Would have preferred AIS, but they have a wait list and heard its a bit laid back.

Between CIS-lakeside , OFS and Stamford American- which one should I go for. Don't want my child to go thru K2 as she'll lose 6 months. Also, prefer to have a smaller school so she does not get overwhelmed.

Suggestions appreciated.

thank you

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Post by movingtospore » Wed, 16 Nov 2011 9:34 pm

See my other post - ours are at CIS. I like it but don't love it. Which is something I struggle with as I did love our school at home. But options are limited here, and there will always be something at every school.

I know a few families at Stamford and they do love it.

If you can, try to check them out in person first.

I'm not sure about OFS.

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Post by Brooklynjenn » Sat, 19 Nov 2011 9:27 pm

My kids are at Stamford and we love it. They are run by the same company as AIS, and it is easy to transfer to AIS when a spot opens up. I know several families who have one kid at SAIS and the other at AIS because there wasn't a space at AIS for both kids. You may just end up preferring it and not want to change.

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Post by Hula Girl » Sun, 20 Nov 2011 7:12 am

I remember that feeling of confusion when first coming to Singapore over three years ago. I understand what you are going through. Luckily, you have some great choices in front of you. We're originally from Hawaii and new to the IB program and I could talk about how great it is more than the space is allowed for me on this reply. I told my husband that we can never move back home now because of how much I love my son's current school.

We first started out at OFS for K1. I liked it for the reason that it was a full day program. His teacher and assistant teacher were great. It was my first experience with IB. My son does not go to that school anymore for a couple of reasons. One, the facilities at the time (I haven't visited since we left two years ago) were not being well kept. It felt tired throughout the entire campus. I felt like the money we put into tuition was not being spent well. I felt like my son was a number at that school because it was overcrowded. While so many schools have a waiting list, OFS seemed to take every child in and it felt like an overflow school with many kids coming and going every month as soon as they got into their "real" school of choice. Having had my son there for a year, the only people that knew my name as far as the staff were his two teachers. I was at the school every day helping with his class as the class Mom and yet not once did anyone from the staff acknowledge me. Simple example, every time I went into the Kindergarten office, I would have to say who I was and who my child was....every time for the whole year. It didn't bother me at the time but looking back and seeing the difference between OFS and the current school my son attends is like night and day.

My son has been attending Stamford American since the beginning of K2 and is currently in Grade 1. I am so lucky to have found this school for my son. Right now we are at the temporary campus and there are so many exciting developments planned for the new campus opening Fall of 2012. The superintendent is amazing! The school feels like a family with so much parent involvement and activities buzzing. I have made many friends there myself. Also, everyone in the front office knows everyone's name and their child. Since our first interview/meeting at the school, I was greeted with open arms and felt welcomed by all staff and parents. My son is very happy there and says he never wants to leave Singapore now. You must go to one of Malcolm Kay's talks (our superintendent) to hear all the fascinating things planned for our current campus and future one. He makes me excited about the school every day. You definitely won't feel like a number at this school. In fact, let me know if you're going there for a tour and I'll be sure I'm there to greet you myself! :D

Hope to see you around!

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Post by Brooklynjenn » Sun, 20 Nov 2011 8:46 am

I second everything Hulagirl said about SAIS! I wonder if we know each other? My daughter is in Grade 1 also. I told my husband as well that I never want to move back. It is a great school, we couldn't be happier.

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Post by crazysafari » Wed, 23 Nov 2011 5:50 pm

also spoke to One World. Looks like they are a very small school compared to the big ones- so might be good for our first grader- not sure if this is something others would consider. But I just thought they'd probably be a bit more responsive and give more attention.

has anyone heard anything about this school?

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Post by Dolph » Sat, 17 Dec 2011 6:33 pm

Have you looked at Avondale Grammar School? Quite a small and friendly-looking. I have no personal experience with the place but know people who seem very happy with it.

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Post by candyyuanlei » Tue, 04 Mar 2014 2:33 pm

So happy to find the post about International School here. I'm also struggling between Canadian School and Stamford. I have a three-year old daughter. After the visit to stamford, I found the playground for kids are quite small comparing to CIS; and each kid seems to be limited into their own classroom; while in CIS there is a shared common area (home room) for all the kids, which seems to be more friendly. Of course the facility of Stamford is quite new and updated, but what I concern more is the quality of teachers. From the posts above, I found stamford got a higher praise. Can anyone give us more detailed information on these two schools? Many thanks!
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Post by PNGMK » Tue, 04 Mar 2014 3:37 pm

All of those are 'for profit' schools.

I'd recommend you visit some not for profit schools as well.

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Post by movingtospore » Tue, 04 Mar 2014 8:51 pm

I second that. Ask hard questions and don't be fooled by the IB label in Singapore. If you are just here for a year or two it probably doesn't matter that much where you put them...but if you are here for several years choose carefully.

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Post by Miller_o » Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:27 pm

I could be wrong, but Stamford posted on their website that they aren't accepting any more applications for August '14.

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Post by PNGMK » Wed, 05 Mar 2014 9:15 am

movingtospore wrote:I second that. Ask hard questions and don't be fooled by the IB label in Singapore. If you are just here for a year or two it probably doesn't matter that much where you put them...but if you are here for several years choose carefully.
Unless your kids are going back to an IB program at home there's not much value in it. In fact IB can be very damaging in my view.

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Post by movingtospore » Wed, 05 Mar 2014 10:13 am

I totally agree. From what I've seen, the problem with it in the context of International Schools is that there is no curriculum, really. It's more like a set of high-level goals. When you have high student and teacher turnover each year, what can result is very little continuity and low standards. A lot of children fall through the cracks in this type of environment.

I think when it's implemented in a school with high standards, lots of continuity and a strong structure it's probably pretty great - eg/ UWC.

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Post by scarbowl » Wed, 05 Mar 2014 7:54 pm

Anyone know if it is there is truth to the rumour that parents are fleeing the Canadian School for Dulwich College?

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Post by PNGMK » Wed, 05 Mar 2014 7:58 pm

scarbowl wrote:Anyone know if it is there is truth to the rumour that parents are fleeing the Canadian School for Dulwich College?
I'd not be surprised if parents of CIS are fleeing for anywhere that will take them. That school.... (deleted as I don't want to be sued).

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