shiranaihito wrote:Well, it is what we expected. She received an amount after deduction of CPF contribution & CDAC fund. Again, she requested to have a copy of the payment voucher from the hr manager but he said it's already with the boss. Anyway, she used the formula shown in MOM website to calculate the salary payable to a monthly-rated employee for an incomplete month of work but still couldn't get the above figure. On the same day, she confided in mom and asked them to help her to calculate the figure for her as figures don't tally. Last night, she told me she only received e-reply from mom yesterday. Really that co have underpaid her. Her worries: - 'can she still claim back her rightful remaining amount of salary and the appropriate CPF contribution by them ?, since she does not has any good supporting documents to prove her existence there, except for some copies of the time card that she managed to make copies'
On 28-10-2011, my cousin was in the daze when the hr manager told her that she was dismissed, she asked for the compensation of one month salary yet he actually said: 'no, we didn't terminate you...... why not have a good dispersion, then they issued her a letter indicating that they agreed to release her immediately etcs. At that point of time, what can she still do right, no choice but to agree though felt 'lugi'.
There you go again not understanding the whole issue. First of all
It is "RUGI" not "LUGI" which means loss.
If she is underpaid, she is legally entitled to the discrepancy in calculation.
If she is not terminated, and she signed the agreement to that effect then there is no other dispute other then the payment for the work done
You are mixing emotion with guideline which does not help the situation.
IMHO what the HR said or you said or she said is only based on hearsay as there is no concrete evidence to go about.
Your Post basically pure of emotional inaccuracy or misguided information . I am stating based on guidelines on how to resolve your grievances and I am not into the emotional part of thing.
If she has gone down this path then let lesson be learned as she is as at fault as the employer. It takes two to tango
The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.Yahoo !!!