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Which sailing club to choose?

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Which sailing club to choose?

Post by Tony2toe@ » Sun, 16 Oct 2011 10:27 pm

I am new in Singapore, and am thinking of joining a sailing club. I am a skilled sailor already, both on dinghies and yachts. For me it is very important to meet new people. I did visit Changi and did Cat racing with a colleage, which was great fun. But... It became quite clear to me that it is pretty much about family life there. Is that different in other clubs? I am single, and i saw that SAF is half the price if you join for 5 years. Are there more singles/ couples without children there? Or is it also more revolving around families?

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Post by BobSG » Tue, 25 Oct 2011 10:17 am

Hi, I am in the same situation. Very much interested to hear about any slightly more serious sailing going on in Singapore (dinghies, sportsboats, big boats).

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Which sailing club

Post by Tony2toe@ » Wed, 26 Oct 2011 4:26 pm

Meanwhile I found out that SAF stands for Singapore Armed Forces... And yes that seems to be the main audience.
After further asking around, I think I will go for Changi after all. At least the atmosphere is not so posh, and most people actually sail. I participated in the Ambassador's cup last weekend, which was great fun!
Let me know if you find out more

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Re: Which sailing club to choose?

Post by bentonfraser_4ever » Tue, 08 Nov 2011 1:55 pm

Tony2toe@ wrote:I am new in Singapore, and am thinking of joining a sailing club. I am a skilled sailor already, both on dinghies and yachts. For me it is very important to meet new people. I did visit Changi and did Cat racing with a colleage, which was great fun. But... It became quite clear to me that it is pretty much about family life there. Is that different in other clubs? I am single, and i saw that SAF is half the price if you join for 5 years. Are there more singles/ couples without children there? Or is it also more revolving around families?
Hey, are you sure you can join SAFYC as a foreigner? If memory serves, membership is only open to Singaporeans, maybe PRs. I used to be a member and sailed a whole lot there (Sembawang clubhouse, which is way nicer than the Changi one even though it's older) growing up... Haven't gotten around to renewing my membership since I left Singapore.

From one sailor to another, in my cost-benefit analysis opinion it's pointless to sail here unless you've got all the time in the world and have your own yacht. I've sailed in many countries, and honestly the waters here turn me off. I was a competitive Optimist sailor in my youth, and I believe you're better off if you have time to go sailing to Borneo or the southwestern Thai waters. You'd get more out of the beautiful clear waters and nothing but sea for miles :)

In any case, RSYC is another option. It's got a decent clubhouse and facilities but the waters are quite horrid. I was there a few times for my PPCDL many years ago and I was sure I didn't want to waste my money there basting my body and face with ship oil. Despite the fact that the Shaws have their yachts there :p

Marina at Keppel Bay seems to be of some hype amongst expats (and their SPG toys :lol: ). Especially if you're more into yachting... I think the public can charter their beniteau 40.7s and cats for some 'social' sailing (they annoy me though!). They also have crew/skipper courses. Wet berthing rates are surprisingly cheap, but space is limited too (it's small, compared to other clubs). I've sailed from there about 20-30 times and the service is efficient, personalised. Too much construction going on there though, and then once you get out of the 'bay', it's all tankers :( You only get lighter-green waters when you head towards Batam.

Hope my 2 cents have been helpful to you and other sailors. Well, have fun!

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Post by adsn » Wed, 23 Nov 2011 3:36 pm

I use to go to the mana mana sailing club at the east coast. Quite like it there personally. You can chill out at this open cafe right next to it after over a few drinks and food!

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