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Preferred presents for children (< 12yrs)

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Preferred presents for children (< 12yrs)

Post by ecsy911 » Wed, 05 Oct 2011 9:53 am

Hi all,

I hope to gather some information about what presents parents/adults prefer to/usually give to children (<12yrs) these days. Your help is much appreciated!

1) Books (story books / puzzle books /picture books etc)
2) Clothes / shoes / bags
3) Sweet treats
4) Toys
5) Electronic gadgets (Wii, Playstation etc...)
6) others ( if possible please name some examples!)

Thanks vey much!

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Re: Preferred presents for children (< 12yrs)

Post by wannamove » Fri, 07 Oct 2011 12:36 am

ecsy911 wrote:Hi all,

I hope to gather some information about what presents parents/adults prefer to/usually give to children (<12yrs) these days. Your help is much appreciated!

1) Books (story books / puzzle books /picture books etc)
2) Clothes / shoes / bags
3) Sweet treats
4) Toys
5) Electronic gadgets (Wii, Playstation etc...)
6) others ( if possible please name some examples!)

Thanks vey much!
I have a 2 year old and I prefer friends/others to give her books or puzzles. I am not too keen on sweet treats, electronics or toys. But then she is just 2 - she has no clue about many things.

I usually give books for kids. I also pick up small puzzles, coloring books etc for younger kids. For older girls - I often pick out small pieces of jewlery, handbags, pens, erasers, stickers etc.

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Post by CJO » Fri, 07 Oct 2011 10:41 pm

Is this for a birthday, holiday, ...?

Is this for a relative, friend's kid, your kid, ...?


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Post by nakatago » Fri, 07 Oct 2011 10:45 pm

"A quokka is what would happen if there was an anime about kangaroos."

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Post by goldfishtee » Sun, 09 Oct 2011 12:56 am

This is how my 7 yo nephew rank his birthday presents (no 1 being the most liked):
1. ipad2
2. angry bird toy
3. cars story book
4. cars t-shirt and shoes
5. stationeries
6. bay blade
7. animal kaiser card

Children usually have short span of interest, so the best is to find out what is the child current interest. For children in school age, I would say give them toys.

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