Hi all,
About a month back my family and I moved from India to Singapore, me on EP and wife/child on DP. We were very upbeat of moving to Singapore and wanted to mix with the local culture ASAP. Due to this, we decided we will admit our child to a local kindergarten run by the PAP foundation and sponsored by NTUC. We decided NOT to admit him to an international or Indian school.
The problems at school started the second day itself. The teachers were least helpful and did outright discrimination and harrased our child straight awaya.
While I pen down the complete episode here, may I request you all to tell me if there is any way / method by which I can report harrasement / discrimination meted out to my child by a local kindergarten school run by NTUC ?
Can I stop their GIRO payments whithout facing any issues ? I have stopped sending the child to the school and told them over the phone on October 3 the whole incident. I am yet to meet the prinicipal personally.