alantang_sha wrote:...Also, I don't see why SG not letting the kids finishing their 1st degree if accepted by "qualified" univ, then back to serve NS. This has/will disturb the study cycle of Sg kids & parents. Worst still, Some univ may not be willing to defer/wait for NS completion..
even lesser incentive for a university graduate (if they some how manage to complete their course) to return and serve NS as they will become more mobile with a bachelor's degree.
but exceptions exist. i went through basic military training in singapore and there were a few university graduates in my platoon. they looked rather old, compared to the rest of the cohort.
also, there are full time NS men who have successfully disrupted their NS to enter and complete their university degrees before returning to serve the remainder of their NS term (usually with either a small or big remainder - none "in between"). though i suspect this is not an easy task for most to accomplish.
finally, if a university refuses to hold a place for a potential student that needs to complete NS, then either the university is awful or the potential student's grades are awful. both of which will make NS disruption outlined above rather difficult.