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Post by JR8 » Thu, 15 Sep 2011 8:08 pm

Mary Hatch Bailey wrote:^^ Certainly such ad hominem posts are a waste of everyone's time. This is why we have lost so many quality posters. Ah well, haters gonna hate and there's nothing for it.
Like begets like, and there are only so many times I will turn the other cheek.

If someone wants to get stuck in... fine, I'll eventually respond with like-for-like artillery.

You of course are above that sort of crude point scoring, aren't you? :wink:

p.s. You have contributed nothing to the topic at all... and yet you're criticising me for simply giving my honest opinion? Hmmm!

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Post by Mary Hatch Bailey » Thu, 15 Sep 2011 8:23 pm

I don't think I'm the only one who hesitates or refrains altogether from posting on threads when the chance of being flamed is so high. This is exactly the kind of aggressive behavior Saint was talking about.

And, again, I was referring to the post, not the person. Big difference.

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Post by JR8 » Thu, 15 Sep 2011 8:34 pm

Mary Hatch Bailey wrote:I don't think I'm the only one who hesitates or refrains altogether from posting on threads when the chance of being flamed is so high. This is exactly the kind of aggressive behavior Saint was talking about.

And, again, I was referring to the post, not the person. Big difference.
You might answer the OPs question, but for what ever reason haven't, whereas I have offered constructive help. Surely the point of the forum.

You might not be aware of some of the 'incoming' I received, and responded to. Or perhaps you think Aster for example calling me 'a wanker' is acceptable and going to pass un-noticed?

At least I never use language like that, and yet I never see you criticising them or the other gutter-mouths. Strange you seem to have a thing with me.

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Post by Mary Hatch Bailey » Thu, 15 Sep 2011 8:53 pm

I'm not sure you understand how fully angry, insulting language alienates people. Certainly others and at times myself included, have slipped into name-calling and less-than-stellar posts that lack constructive content, but too many of your posts are politically skewed or just plain mean-sprited for my taste (and a lot of others I'll wager). I don't spend much time here anymore, but since you do, there is a high percentage of your posts.

I don't always want to weigh in people's posts for fear of the likely flame-throwing that will ensue. In seemingly benign topics, I have been the target of your vitriol which maligns (your perception of) my lifestyle, politics, etc... Not sure Aster has ever done that. :roll:

It's a simple matter of risk/reward.

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Post by JR8 » Thu, 15 Sep 2011 9:09 pm

Mary Hatch Bailey wrote:I'm not sure you understand how fully angry, insulting language alienates people. Certainly others and at times myself included, have slipped into name-calling and less-than-stellar posts that lack constructive content, but too many of your posts are politically skewed or just plain mean-sprited for my taste (and a lot of others I'll wager). I don't spend much time here anymore, but since you do, there is a high percentage of your posts.

I don't always want to weigh in people's posts for fear of the likely flame-throwing that will ensue. In seemingly benign topics, I have been the target of your vitriol which maligns (your perception of) my lifestyle, politics, etc... Not sure Aster has ever done that. :roll:

It's a simple matter of risk/reward.
Maybe take it to another topic, and lets discuss it?
Yes, I do post relatively a lot, but then I am self-employed, work from home behind my PC and do essentially what the heck I want all day. Do you also see and count all the constructive and helpful subject matter expert posts I make? You know, re: EPECs, Diamonds, SCUBA, and so on? I wonder.
Plus, I very rarely start the 'negative' in a topic on people. I genuinely try and help. But if the tide turns and the OP does also then so might I follow.
If you think I've ever maligned you, you've always had the option to reply but have chosen not to (until now).

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Post by aster » Fri, 16 Sep 2011 1:31 am

Mary, you have to forgive JR8 for being the miserable little twat that he is.

You would have noticed in the past that he has a fetish for Sarah Palin. Any negative talk about her and um... well... he loses his nerves. :) She is of course dumb as a brick, but JR8 here will look up to her like she's God's gift to science and the advancement of humanity. :D

Just a day or so ago he was labelling the thieving, cheating Greeks, who joined the Euro and stole as much as they could so they could live at someone else's expense for as long as they could get away with it... as poor, blameless VICTIMS in all this!?! That has to go down as the most submoronic post of 2011 here at :roll:

The delusions continue though, not long ago accusing me of copying his links even though I posted them here before he even registered, now he's a multimillionaire who's self-employed, though minutes ago he was retired... while being stuck in some cold, forgotten hole in Germany (that would explain the miserable part).
Last edited by aster on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by JR8 » Fri, 16 Sep 2011 1:53 am

Wow... talk about going to some lengths to avoid answering the question :lol:

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Post by aster » Fri, 16 Sep 2011 6:10 am

Please specify which JR8 you are, along with the date and time of day. Are you JR8 of 8:18am, 12:49pm, 15:43pm, 02:13am, other? This will allow us to get a better picture of which instance of JR8 we're dealing with.

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