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The JR8 vs ylgp thread

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Post by ylgp » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 4:20 am

JR8 wrote:There is no water.

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 4:22 am

ylgp wrote:
JR8 wrote:There is no water.
Let me guess, you're Chinese :roll:

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Post by ylgp » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 4:25 am

Are you a racist as well?

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 4:28 am

ylgp wrote:The quasi-literal translation is "it's the sound that makes the music"

I.e. it is not what you say, but how you say it, that matters.

No I'm sorry you are incorrect.

Never mind the 'quasi-literal translation' [what ever that pompous bit of guff means].

Your suggested translation makes no sense at all... 'sound makes music'? Well of course.

The correct translation is 'It is the tone that makes the music'.

It's ok, stop, hold yourself back. We're all able to get the nuances of that. Thanks!

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 4:31 am

ylgp wrote:Are you a racist as well?
Do you not recognise certain traits in certain peoples?
If not, how is it that you are so blind?

p.s. by the way well done for hi-jacking the poor OPs thread.

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Post by ylgp » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 4:47 am

How do you know it is pompous, if you don't know what it means? Anyway, I thought you said earlier that you weren't going to be personal.

Quasi-literal because there is a similar phrase in English which translates to roughly the same thing, but uses the word "sound" instead of tone, because I think "ton" in French is used slightly differently. So I didn't want to say "a literal translation" because a pedant might jump on it. As it happens, one did anyway, so it wasn't worth bothering.

As for your "traits in peoples" post, I'm afraid I have no idea what that means, and I was hoping for an explanation of the "there is no water" as well at some point. All a bit baffling.

You would do well to apologise to the OP, given your off-topic posts are more numerous then anyone else's, especially with your experienced five-posts-a-day average; must try harder.

In other news, from a quick browse around I can see you're really a lovely character, aren't you. I am glad my original message fell on exactly the ears of the people it was about.

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 5:06 am

ylgp wrote:How do you know it is pompous, if you don't know what it means?

I know what it means. You don't. It was a pompous statement. Got it?

Anyway, I thought you said earlier that you weren't going to be personal.

Quote me. I didn't.

Quasi-literal because there is a similar phrase in English which translates to roughly the same thing, but uses the word "sound" instead of tone, because I think "ton" in French is used slightly differently. So I didn't want to say "a literal translation" because a pedant might jump on it. As it happens, one did anyway, so it wasn't worth bothering.

You might have simply suggested 'It means... xyz'. But then again you got the basic translation wrong anyway.

As for your "traits in peoples" post, I'm afraid I have no idea what that means,

Really. So do you start each day believing that every individual is equal. That no 'group' has predictable probable characteristics?

and I was hoping for an explanation of the "there is no water" as well at some point. All a bit baffling.

No not really. You suggested that you might be in 'deep water' here as in in trouble. The fact is that no one here will care. Hence there is no water.

You would do well to apologise to the OP, given your off-topic posts are more numerous then anyone else's, especially with your experienced five-posts-a-day average; must try harder.

Stalker issit? At least I contribute to this board. All you do is ask dumb questions and pick fights.

In other news, from a quick browse around I can see you're really a lovely character, aren't you. I am glad my original message fell on exactly the ears of the people it was about.

Woe is me, to be judged by someone who turned up just 3 days ago... lol

p.s. And to think, I went to the trouble and took time out to help you with your original question, and this is what I get back.

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Post by ylgp » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 2:14 pm

Hold up. When I said I could not make head or tail of your "traits in peoples" point, I did not mean "continue writing about it like nothing's happened". You've got a bee on your bonnet about something or other, it's just not clear.

If you are trying to say that because a group of people might be more likely to do something because they are in that group, then you are making a rookie bigot error; confusing correlation with causality. If something is more likely to happen in a certain group, then you can look at all the sorts of explanations for that, but them simply being born of a certain nationality does not make that inherent. Anyway I don't know if this is what you meant.

What is clear is that after challenging me on my age, you then questioned my race, and after those didn't have the intended effect, you have resorted to the true solar plexus hit - how long I have been on this forum. Ouch. Because one's standing is simply how long since they clicked a particular Submit button. Do you really think that? Quelle domage.

To be in "deep water" is a phrase in English which means to be in trouble. Yes, I know you probably got that, but just for clarity, there it is again. You have a bit of a knack for ignoring the bits of a post you don't really understand, I note. So "cronyism" you interpreted as something about equality; my reasoned comments about the shortcomings of this (or any) forum, we heard nothing more about (not that there's anything wrong with that, maybe you are not the savvy web-user type - but it was the main subject of the point I was getting across...but then the mod understood it so I guess that's the main thing.)

No stalker - your post count is to the left of every message, 'lol'. Did you really chortle out loud when you wrote that? Hope so fella.

Can I make a suggestion: Stop having the last word, because you're the one with a supposed reputation here. I have made my point, you didn't like it, that is quite clear. There isn't anything more to be said.

p.s. Somewhere at some point, I have probably helped you out in a forum under a different alias, and I didn't clamour for thanks and sympathy, so get over it, and get over yourself.

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 4:29 pm

ylgp wrote:Hold up. When I said I could not make head or tail of your "traits in peoples" point, I did not mean "continue writing about it like nothing's happened". You've got a bee on your bonnet about something or other, it's just not clear.

Oh we're going to get on like a house on fire George! :)

If you are trying to say that because a group of people might be more likely to do something because they are in that group, then you are making a rookie bigot error; confusing correlation with causality.

This sounds like PC nonsense to me. Oh and I note that having called me a racist you're now using the bigot brush. It's hurtful George, and has to stop if we're going to be friends.

If something is more likely to happen in a certain group, then you can look at all the sorts of explanations for that, but them simply being born of a certain nationality does not make that inherent. Anyway I don't know if this is what you meant.

You are confusing a 'trait' with 'inherent'. Just because you believe Group A has a trait to behave in a certain way, does not mean you believe every member of that group behaves in that way. Or that that behaviour only occurs within that group.

If I have to keep in mind that when I drive down Serangoon Road on a Sunday that men are likely to be jaywalking all over the place, that is all I need to know. I do not need to know why that is. That is not racist, as in acting with hatred, I just know that is what is likely in that area, and so drive carefully so as not to run any people over.

What is clear is that after challenging me on my age, you then questioned my race, and after those didn't have the intended effect, you have resorted to the true solar plexus hit - how long I have been on this forum. Ouch. Because one's standing is simply how long since they clicked a particular Submit button. Do you really think that? Quelle domage.

Asking about your age was because I thought you made a painfully naive comment such as a youth might. And it would be useful to know at what level I am engaging on here. Asking if you were Chinese was because you were displaying a passive/aggressive nature that I find a trait in that group, that is seen here not infrequently. Doh, there I go showing my racist/bigoted nature again. And one's standing is based upon what other members have seen of you yes. How can it be based upon anything else? So for example your reputation is of having failed to correctly used the search function, expected white glove assistance re: something asked at least weekly, been pointed to links etc. as would anybody else have been, and having got p'd off and thrown your toys out of the pram that people here are not going to wipe it for you as well, and then basically being an angry and disruptive presence ever since.

Better lay off the French George, dommage has two m's, so that is 0/2 so far.

To be in "deep water" is a phrase in English which means to be in trouble. Yes, I know you probably got that, but just for clarity, there it is again.

LOL! You are kidding aren't you!

You have a bit of a knack for ignoring the bits of a post you don't really understand, I note. So "cronyism" you interpreted as something about equality;

That's because I'm not very bright, and the stuff you're writing is too deep for me to understand.

Another take is I am under no obligation to respond to every point made, or points that I simply think are balls.

Cronyism is about gaining personal advantage and advancement, it has nothing to do with equality. My point was that no member gains advantage from being here on this forum, which is what your misuse of the term suggested.

my reasoned comments about the shortcomings of this (or any) forum, we heard nothing more about (not that there's anything wrong with that, maybe you are not the savvy web-user type - but it was the main subject of the point I was getting across...but then the mod understood it so I guess that's the main thing.)

Because I simply thought it balls. Does not responding to a point you made mean that in your eyes I'm not a 'savvy web-user type'? Ok, if that's what you think. If you want to have a debate about what you wished the web to be, and how forums might operate I'd suggest opening a new topic.

No stalker - your post count is to the left of every message, 'lol'. Did you really chortle out loud when you wrote that? Hope so fella.

But you didn't state my post count did you? You stated my average and had a lame dig at me. My post/average is from my profile, so you went and had a poke around there. In my experience that is the first step of someone with something of an unhealthy engagement with the debate.

Can I make a suggestion: Stop having the last word, because you're the one with a supposed reputation here. I have made my point, you didn't like it, that is quite clear. There isn't anything more to be said.

Ummm.... it is a forum, and it is meant for debate. So that is what I will do. And I am not inclined to follow your orders (oh my lord, a control freak - are you gay? lol)

p.s. Somewhere at some point, I have probably helped you out in a forum under a different alias, and I didn't clamour for thanks and sympathy, so get over it, and get over yourself.

Of course you have, that is because you are the omniscient God of the web! Though I suppose that you didn't help with the French translation or meaning of long words like trait and cronyism.

The fact that you think you've helped me out somewhere on the web squares the circle on your delusion and attitude. Let me see, that is why you feel justified coming here and demanding help. Right?

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Post by beppi » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 4:48 pm

Where are the moderators to close this thread?!? Pleeeaaase!!!

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 4:52 pm

beppi wrote:Where are the moderators to close this thread?!? Pleeeaaase!!!
This is an example of when the having the 'Stop following this thread' function working would be useful for some.

The 'Follow this thread' button on threads that you have read but not contributed to does not work either.

I've brought this to Mods attention a couple of times

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 5:44 pm

We are around. I'm just a bystander on this one, bemused by the whole thing. :mrgreen:

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Post by Saint » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 5:48 pm

This is exactly the reason I have retired from posting on the forum, the agro and abuse newbies and less knowledgeable posters have been getting from the regulars has increased over the last few months. I was ill for a few weeks (Yes I managed to get the dreaded Dengue Fever!) and didn't have the energy to read the forum let alone post. When I finally logged back in and reviewed a couple of weeks of postings it was shocking just how negative and bad the forum has become. So I've decided that it's best to just retire from posting.

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Post by ylgp » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 7:07 pm

I am not going to indulge in these Caulkin-Candy style interchanges where each line gets replied to separately; it's a unfamiliar way of writing to those of us not accustomed to interrupting someone after every sentence.

This racism thing is so completely off-topic from what we were originally talking about, it makes my head swim trying to work out how it started. @JR8, you asked "are you Chinese" and I did not know what that meant, or why you had asked it. You then started talking about groups and traits and I don't understand where you're going with it but it sounds painfully uninteresting.

Racism is not acting with hatred, it's any prejudice based on race, incidentally, so when you introduce yourself to a group and the first two serious questions are "how old are you" and "are you Chinese", well yes, that does comes across rather strangely. It is a real no-no to ask that of people in the UK; I don't know if you have been away so long that it wasn't like that when you left, but it is these days.

FYI, I am English, not that it matters, as I mentioned in my first post about the EPEC, which is probably where you got my name, which is George. I am moving in November to Singapore with my other half after a few years in Switzerland (where I speak some French but as you have noticed, don't write it enough). I am still looking forward to the move despite your unpleasant introduction, and fortunately the pleasant people seem to outnumber the unpleasant by a jolly factor.

I have never seen your profile, I saw your post count and your joining date, and did some very poor maths in my head. If that vaguely matches the actual average than I am better at maths than I thought.

All I can say about your cronyism definition is - quite simply - that is not what it means at all. I can't help but think if there hadn't been this small misunderstanding, you would not have had to spend so much aggrieved time on this conversation that doesn't matter "one iota" (do you know what an iota is, by the way, seeing that you're pedantically questioning my language?)

I am very sorry if I was hurtful. I would suggest, if you are going to say things like "grow some balls" to someone you've never met then you do - if you don't me saying - need to be able to take that sort of language, as well as give it.

"oh my lord, a control freak - are you gay? lol"

Jesus wept. Well done, a hat trick of offensiveness. Just as well there are no gay, "youth" or Chinese people reading this forum, or you might have come across somewhat ignorant - or is that more PC nonsense, "LOL"!

@Saint Dengue as in the peninsula back in blighty? Or is there a Singapore equivalent that I don't know about...!

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 06 Sep 2011 8:15 pm

ylgp, I like you but for heavens sake can we lighten this conversation up!?

Ok, how about step one, we debate the meaning of 'croneyism'?

and you get to nominate one point of mine that you do not agree with?

Then we go from there.

Yep? :)

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