To be frank, you guys have a bad rep of being proud and overconfident.madcap wrote:Nakatago & SMS,
I will be the first one in thanking you guys for painting a realistic picture .... but i felt another point of view needs to be out here in this forum.
Sometimes all this negativity can dampen the best spirits like it did to me. I really had no hope of a PEP let alone a job in just 1 week and hence the post. The intention was never to encourage people make wrong decisions.
One more thing that put me off here was the mean and downright rude replies by some of the members(Jaycee was it?). I'm not sure if it was my race that prompted such responses. But again I may have to grow a thick skin(having moved to asia) after having spent close to a decade in the US were racial slurs are a big No-No.
All that aside thank you everyone who had the patience to take some time and give your insights. Mucho gracias!
Those that don't fit the stereotype don't flood the forums with non-impressive life stories and CVs. And like always, if it happens often enough, you start to see patterns forming. There are always exceptions, of course but often, it gets really bad that you'll just have to call out a group for their collective undesirable behavior. We'll have to apologize to the good ones but let's just face it: there are a lot out there giving the rest of you a bad name.madcap wrote:well ... doesn't this fit into stereotyping?
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