Singapore Expats

Looking for a quick answer: Sentosa Cove vs. Carib@Keppel

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Joined: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 8:26 pm

Post by volki » Wed, 18 Apr 2012 6:03 pm

Awesome! Thank you for that. We're gunning for 1500 sqf minimum and water views and a 3bdrm. We THINK we can afford it at this time but when we get there we might revise if things are getting too expensive. HEHE. Coming from Sydney though, rent is quite comparable factoring in the tax rates, food costs, etc.

I have a toddler too, she's 20 months now, so i get the need to go out and 'wear them out'. I'm hoping to do some gymboree classes as well, the only thing I"m concerned about,now that you've mentioned outings, is the heat! Is it doable to go out with your toddler anytime of the day, are there shaded playgrounds/parks around sentosa? We visited singapore for 1 month and visited sentosa alot, we love it there, but we only visted the beach/touristy areas!

This is getting offtopic maybe heh, but thanks for the responses so far!

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