Singapore Expats

Question for Jpatokal (though open to anyone)

Discuss your views about Singapore business & economy, current policies & issues, starting a business in Singapore.
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Question for Jpatokal (though open to anyone)

Post by NBB » Sat, 20 Mar 2004 2:35 pm


You pop up wherever questions are posted on PR applications, Employment Pass procedures etc. I'd like to pose my question on a similar scenario if I may.

I'd like to register my business in Singapore. In fact I've just retained a lawyer to assist me. When the various procedures have been followed through (allocating nominee director, paying the numerous fees etc.) would I be staying in Singapore on an Employment Pass or would I be eligible for PR eventually?

Without teasing out the details, what's the order of magnitude I would be paying for the processes to run their course from start to finish. Are we talking Sing$1000's? Or Sing$10.000's? A ballpark figure would be great. Obviously I've quoted my lawyer, but just want to know if she's on the level with me.




Post by dormer » Sat, 20 Mar 2004 2:53 pm

JP is da in-house consultant, WTG man! :D

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Re: Question for Jpatokal (though open to anyone)

Post by jpatokal » Sun, 21 Mar 2004 9:51 pm

NBB wrote:You pop up wherever questions are posted on PR applications, Employment Pass procedures etc. I'd like to pose my question on a similar scenario if I may.
Disclaimer here: I'm one of those strange people who read the small print in documents and like to look up relevant laws whenever possible, but I'm not a lawyer in any way, shape or form.
I'd like to register my business in Singapore. In fact I've just retained a lawyer to assist me. When the various procedures have been followed through (allocating nominee director, paying the numerous fees etc.) would I be staying in Singapore on an Employment Pass or would I be eligible for PR eventually?
And I'm not the SIR either 8), but if your company is making money, paying you a decent wage and perhaps even employing Singaporeans, getting a PR eventually shouldn't be a problem at all.
Without teasing out the details, what's the order of magnitude I would be paying for the processes to run their course from start to finish. Are we talking Sing$1000's? Or Sing$10.000's? A ballpark figure would be great. Obviously I've quoted my lawyer, but just want to know if she's on the level with me.
I can't really say as I don't have my own company, but AFAIK filing the documents with the government shouldn't cost much at all. What will cost you is your lawyer's help in getting them done right... if you suspect you're getting scrod, check with somebody else who has gone through the same process and/or get a quote from another lawyer.


Post by NBB » Mon, 22 Mar 2004 2:05 am

Cheers JP.

Her quote will be arriving tomorrow, along with assorted forms on procedures to follow and what-have-you.

I understand she will cost a fair penny, but I'd rather not screw around in the margins; perhaps her stamp will even smoothe the way to the final OK on my application for my PR.

Obviously if she's pulling a fast one on me, then I'll go to Plan B, a business owner, who's done all this before.


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