I recall the the clerk standing there to help at the electronic submission, it was the clerk that took us around the left corner by the back exit, were the reception area is. It took us several minutes to get through to the desk reception there, that we needed to see the person in the blue cubicle, as there wasn't any form of electronic application to see a works officer. The clerk who escorted us was finally given a number for us, as we had been turned away too from reception several times as the desk clerk didn't know anything about LOC application.sundaymorningstaple wrote:No, the blue room & orange rooms are still there, but you cannot get inside of them. Everybody HAS to go through the "reception" counters (I think there is 3 or 4 of them, and it just a PC with a clerk there. No counters, the PC is sitting on a pedestal and the clerk is standing. From there they dispense platitudes like you need to use iSubmit or eSubmit or make a appointment online. There are a row of computers that you can use just beside the Blue room and it's there that you make eappointments, print out quota, ipa's, etc. etc. (At least the printing is free so if you want to go down there to print out your quota for WP's & S pass holders you can do so anytime you want to.
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