Wow, they give cable and the Phil channel to the maid in her room. Sh*t, they are really pushing the boat out aren't they. That much cost all of an extra $30 dollars per month. They should definitely be nominated for employer of the year and be knighted when they return home.cbavasi wrote:My understanding is that the OP is still on holiday while this is all happening. If the helper is 1 year into her 2nd contract than she has been there 3 years and must be some loyalty on the employers part. If you are dealing with the same agency then surely there will be clause for replacing within the contract?
In re: to Billy B and the standard: "boo hoo, how would you deal back home" comment... this is the situation here in Singapore - if the OP obviously has CABLE in the MAIDs room - than you are addressing the wrong person.
You are proudly telling everyone here about the Filipino Channel you purchased for your maid. Well done Madam, I hope you realized that by sending her back to the agency means she wont be earning a single cent while living in that filthy house of your agent. And that might cause her family back home to starve and kids not being able to go to school. Please find your soul in the gutter.surreymum wrote:My maid has decided she wants to quit 1 year into her second contract with us. She was a good worker and is vague about her reasons, but i assume it has something to do with escaping people who are now coming to my door saying she owes them money? She says she will wait to go until after our holiday in 5 weeks, which a cynic might suggest is so she can lounge around, getting paid, while watching The Philipino Channel (which we purchase) and pretending to take care of my dog. Her attitude now stinks because she thinks I need her while I'm on holiday and I've decided to send her back to the agent and send my dog to kennels I'm so pissed off with her. My question is since she started all this by quitting, and I now have the expense of a new maid/insurance etc, are there any consequences for her?
The OP used one single and not really fortunate statement. That's it. You also know nothing about her maid. Let me remind you: the maids are human. Human, not angels. They can misbehave and this may not be the fault of the employer. Just because the maids are poor and there are many bastard employers around does not justify your strong words.ex-pat wrote:You are proudly telling everyone here about the Filipino Channel you purchased for your maid. Well done Madam, I hope you realized that by sending her back to the agency means she wont be earning a single cent while living in that filthy house of your agent. And that might cause her family back home to starve and kids not being able to go to school. Please find your soul in the gutter.surreymum wrote:My maid has decided she wants to quit 1 year into her second contract with us. She was a good worker and is vague about her reasons, but i assume it has something to do with escaping people who are now coming to my door saying she owes them money? She says she will wait to go until after our holiday in 5 weeks, which a cynic might suggest is so she can lounge around, getting paid, while watching The Philipino Channel (which we purchase) and pretending to take care of my dog. Her attitude now stinks because she thinks I need her while I'm on holiday and I've decided to send her back to the agent and send my dog to kennels I'm so pissed off with her. My question is since she started all this by quitting, and I now have the expense of a new maid/insurance etc, are there any consequences for her?
It's not against the rules...but then again, just because something isn't against the rules, it doesn't mean it's ok to do it or to do it a certain way.Sonar wrote:Is it now against the rules to complain about a bad employee?
If I quit my job, they wouldn't let me hang around for 5 weeks with a crap attitude, drawing salary and doing little or no work.
But if the poster fired the maid, she is a soulless individual?
I don't think so.
Hear hear!Fair call. you're right.
It just irritates me a bit, this constant "maids are human too, you know" response. No-one is saying they aren't. They're human, adults, and performing a job.
It seems that it has become politically incorrect to vent about the maid.
Noone owes a maid a living. It is an employment contract of mutual benefit and just because there is a poorer side to it doesn't mean that they deserve to be 'carried' beyond those terms.You are proudly telling everyone here about the Filipino Channel you purchased for your maid. Well done Madam, I hope you realized that by sending her back to the agency means she wont be earning a single cent while living in that filthy house of your agent. And that might cause her family back home to starve and kids not being able to go to school. Please find your soul in the gutter.
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