"Something doesn't add up here. If this car was registered in 1992, then that is when the first COE would have been bought. It would have been renewed in 2002, and then again in 2012 (this year). A COE can be renewed for only five years but then the car MUST be scrapped... and in any case, that would only take you out to 2017. You need to find out what is not correct... either the registration date would have to be 1999 or the COE date as specified is not correct.
But am puzzled by the 30-year limit - another option has popped up on a 1981 car with COE paid till 2018 - I reckon it was renewed for the last time in 2008...? So in 2018, I shall have to get a really large living room and display it there?
Again, something is fishy with the dates. Unless this 1981 car was registered only in 1998 (and I don't see how that could happen unless it sat on a show room floor for 7 years), a 1981 car must be renewed in 1991 and again in 2001. I don't see how you get to 2018 at all. COE's must be done in 10 year increments. You can only renew one month in advance of expiration and if you fail to renew more than one month, your car is deregistered and the COE cannot be renewed at all. So, you need to check dates for a definitive answer.
I stand corrected on one thing now that I've checked... there is no limit to the number of times you can renew a COE for car or motorcycle. So, a 1981 registered car could be renewed in 1991, 2001, 2011, and again, in 2021.[/quote]
There is no restriction as to when you renew the COE as long as it's done before it expires.
In August 2001, many people with 1.6 cars renewed because there was an anomaly due to the "crash" in coe prices for Category A that brought the renewal premium down to 18k. so you would have seen plenty of 1993 cars with COEs expiring in 2011. Total life would have only been 18 years.
When you renew early, you simply lose the remaining value on the current COE.
In 2008/2009, the same situation arose, plenty of people renewed early because the COEs were at lows.
When buying a COE renewed car, one very important question to ask the seller and to verify (see the onemotoring printout) is if the last COE renewal was for 5 or 10 years. If it was for 5 years, the car will be killed at the end of the 5th year,
no further renewal will be allowed.