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Registered psychiatric nurse, Registered nurse, midwife

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Post by ecureilx » Fri, 22 Jul 2011 4:59 pm

taxico wrote:o. i must add: as for why most FMGs from developed countries leave after a few years in a public hospital...

life's too tough in comparison with home, and then there's that mysterious SMC assessment they must deal with...
I may implicate myself, if I expound my understanding of how FMGs get treated in Singapore :D :D

seriously, the Temporary/conditional registration can go on for upto 10 years, as I know of one doctor, and during such registration, the doctor, like E-Pass/S-Pass, is tied to the hospital

And a friend, Indian Graduate, from a Uni in the 'recognised list', is, even after clearing MRCP, still under conditional registration ..

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Post by taxico » Fri, 22 Jul 2011 10:00 pm

ecureilx FMGs get treated in Singapore :D :D

seriously, the Temporary/conditional registration can go on for upto 10 years, as I know of one doctor, and during such registration, the doctor, like E-Pass/S-Pass, is tied to the hospital

And a friend, Indian Graduate, from a Uni in the 'recognised list', is, even after clearing MRCP, still under conditional registration ..
...but they are not being unfairly compensated, especially the doctors who have graduated from asian countries.

the ones i pity are doctors from developed nations who come here seeking greener pastures but do not find it, leave when they are unable to go into the more lucrative private practice.

i have a feeling your doctor friends may not be exhibiting the necessary skills if they're still tied to the SH/NHG after 10 years.

without going into too much details, i have encountered MANY asian FMGs who DO NOT POSSESS basic medical skills.

..but you MUST remember that SMC's role is not just to hand out registrations to anyone that is qualified on paper, but also to ensure that there are enough doctors working in the appropriate areas...

singapore urgently requires more junior doctors - you would probably know how many % of registrations FMGs make up since 2009. the number astounds me. SMC must not neglect its role as the government's watchdog while recruiting doctors (fairly compensated) to its shores.

if any foreign medical grad is unhappy, they CAN leave. many do.

taxico (full MCR'ed "IMG")
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Post by ecureilx » Mon, 25 Jul 2011 10:48 am

taxico wrote: ...but they are not being unfairly compensated, especially the doctors who have graduated from asian countries.
No unfairly, but .. not even reaching the pay of a Junior MO, ex-NUH/UM ..
the ones i pity are doctors from developed nations who come here seeking greener pastures but do not find it, leave when they are unable to go into the more lucrative private practice.
Well, no truer words .. my case is those doctors who are happy in Govt Hospitals ..
i have a feeling your doctor friends may not be exhibiting the necessary skills if they're still tied to the SH/NHG after 10 years.
let me say, the doctor friend I quoted is directly reporting to a VVIIP doctor .. and consistantly been awarded recognition .. alas, SMC has a different view .. or so it seems ..
..but you MUST remember that SMC's role is not just to hand out registrations to anyone that is qualified on paper, but also to ensure that there are enough doctors working in the appropriate areas...

singapore urgently requires more junior doctors - you would probably know how many % of registrations FMGs make up since 2009. the number astounds me. SMC must not neglect its role as the government's watchdog while recruiting doctors (fairly compensated) to its shores.
Well, SMC also has a role in making sure the 'natives' don't loose out .. I guess ..
if any foreign medical grad is unhappy, they CAN leave. many do.
And yes, I do know a few FMGs who left, and lot who 'switched' career to became Medical Advisors to Pharmaceutical companies ..

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Post by taxico » Mon, 25 Jul 2011 9:13 pm

ecureilx wrote:...SMC also has a role in making sure the 'natives' don't loose out .. I guess ..
it is a little easier for singaporeans, but not by much.

CMBs alway have a way of getting things done if they really want to. JMO.
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Re: Registered psychiatric nurse, Registered nurse, midwife

Post by clairem » Tue, 23 Aug 2011 4:46 pm

taxico wrote:
ecureilx wrote:Govt Hospitals, and private hospitals, have pegged nurses salary around 2,000 plus, and shifts (7 AM to 4 PM, 2 PM to 11 PM, 9 PM to 8 Am) .. or so ..


my doctor friend pays his nurse (non-degree holder) about $4,000 excluding any/all allowances.

she works his shift: which averages out to be about 5-6 clinical hours a day (4 day week) + he is on call a few times a month and she will have to assist if he's paged.

he has at least 15 nurses at his extremely profitable practice, with 1 nurse assigned to each doctor and the rest at other sections/departments (surgery, triage, etc).

half of those nurses are foreign and are extremely well trained (not SEA countries or china).

the other half are singaporeans who can fluently speak a foreign language (not chinese/indonesian).

whether for healthcare or reception work (another 4 more ladies), he does not employ chinese or filipinos (sic) or indian staff.

their benefits are awesome.
this soounds like a great place to work for an overseas non asian nurse to work...where is it? :) :D

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Post by RegRom » Wed, 07 Sep 2011 10:23 am

Please stop your solicitations. This is not the proper venue for that and is against the forum rules.


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Post by clairem » Wed, 07 Sep 2011 2:47 pm

you obviously have no sense of humour, i do hence the use of these icons :D :) . GAG

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Re: midwife

Post by RegRom » Wed, 07 Sep 2011 2:59 pm

RegRom wrote:Please stop your solicitations. This is not the proper venue for that and is against the forum rules.

Dear moderator,

I do not understand you.
I just want to help. My wife is also a midwife and I know that the hospital is looking for another midwife. So what is the problem?

Kind regards,

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