Manthink wrote:BillyB wrote:
Explain the contradiction behind the BMI of a professional rugby player who weighs 120kg and is only 5ft 10 tall........needs a dietician based on a scorecard framework does he??!!
Well, the issue here is able turning assault into a hobby.
As for those who consider themselves an equal to a prof sports person with those figures, I will happy for them.
Are you being deliberately dense?
Look, no-one has talked about assaulting anyone else and meant it as something are going to go out and do.
SMS talked about his suitcase and how some people may get hit by it if they try and get on to the MRT too quickly. That is not assault, he is just following the rules that the Singapore government has been trying to remind people of for 33 years now, it is not his fault if others are too stupid to follow.
JR8 talked about walking along and a women walking
into him then trying to blame him for it. That is not assault. If anything, the woman assaulted him yet is too stupid/self-absorbed/selfish to realise it.
x9200 said that coincidentally someone had posted on another thread about wanting an assault lawyer, implying that maybe that lady was going to sue JR8 for assault. This is humour.
Nakatago talked about having to make swift manouvres to stop people walking into him, but occasionally they manage to do it anyway. That is not assault.
At this point you saw fit to make generalisations about foreigners all being fat. Classy.
SMS made the analogy of someone driving the wrong way on an expressway, not looking where they are going and bumping into other cars which are obeying the laws of the road. This implies that it is the locals who are the car driving the wrong way, and hence if anything they are the ones committing an assault.
So as you can see, no-one has talked about making assault a hobby, because nothing we have discussed could possibly be classed as assault. I think your lack of English comprehension skills have brought you to the (wrong) conclussion that we all enjoy being bumped into by blind locals and now want to make it a hobby of ours, believe me nothing could be further from the truth.
Do you get it now?
I didn't think so