Well, it'll likely end up being more than a couple, but why not start small?
Turns out I may be offered a job in Singapore over the next few weeks. It's a full-time gig so I'd be picking up the stakes and hauling myself out there. Once I realized that this was a possibility, it was time to do some research and reading and well...asking questions.
Right now, if everything comes to pass, it looks like my budget for accommodation will have a high water mark of S$2,500 a month. Of course, if it was less than that, I'd be even happier.
Almost all of the sites that I'm looking at show room rentals for that price. No offense to humanity on a whole, but I'd really rather not find myself in a place where I have a roommate again.
The gig would be in the Queenstown area.
What districts should I be looking in (and what sites and searches should I be using) if I want to find a whole rental?
It seems that HDB is my best bet, but here's the catch: I have two cats and as I understand it, those are strictly a no-go in HDB flats and I'd really rather not run afoul of the rules and regs.
Thanks for the guidance and help.