Aren't clinical research positions for doctors ??sk84 wrote:Hello guys..
senthil kumaran.p
IIRC clinician/physician scientists are usually doctors, but focusing on scientific research... these guys are usually armed with MD-PhDs (or its equivalent) and work with clinical researchers...ecureilx wrote:Aren't clinical research positions for doctors ??
Well, check out and the unis ..
When it comes to academic / research / clinical jobs...
I also used to think that you need to be a MD/PHD to do clinical research ..taxico wrote: IIRC clinician/physician scientists are usually doctors, but focusing on scientific research... these guys are usually armed with MD-PhDs (or its equivalent) and work with clinical researchers...
Which was what I thought, and know, from some a couple of friends, who were researching in NUH/John Hopkins and now they are with HSA ..x9200 wrote:Clinical research is about testing drugs/devices/procedures on humans. You don't need to be MD or PhD to be a clinical researcher. You need to be MD to perform certain procedures but they are only a small part of the whole testing methodology.
Researcher and scientist are very often used exchangeably and the difference is rather hard to capture (scientist suppose to have more emphasis on knowledge while researcher on systematic search/investigation)
MD - yes, the suffix -CIAN suggests this but I would expect it is reserved not only for PhDs. The later IMO is cliniCAL researcher (or clinical research scientist to make it even more confusing).taxico wrote:if i'm not wrong, the term "clinician scientist" (like "academic clinician) is a term reserved for medical doctors only.
clinician/physician scientists have the ability to apply research to actual (clinical) medical practice; the latter being what clinician researchers lack.
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