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St Joseph's Institution International School

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St Joseph's Institution International School

Post by Allergysingapore » Thu, 30 Jun 2011 8:33 pm

I recently attended the annual Asthma Allergy Association (Singapore) Fair organized by It was hosted by St Joseph's Institution International School.

The Campus looked beautiful and I've heard about their waiting-lists, but do not know anything else about it. They are apparently on holidays now.

My little one is coming up to school-going age and my husband and I are considering them.

Would welcome comments from anyone whose children are there or were there any experiences I should know about.

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Post by boffenl » Wed, 13 Jul 2011 8:24 am

I've only heard good things about them from the two families whom I know who have kids there--one a British family and the other Singaporean. It's academically rigorous, but the parents and faculty are VERY involved with the kids. Seems like a good school. Hope you get in!

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Post by 184jones » Tue, 16 Aug 2011 2:14 pm

I have 2 children at SJII, one 6.5 and the other 5. WE happen to join the school 18 months ago, at the time I was ignorant of the fact it was so new (13 months!) but as soon as I saw the campus, children and atmosphere I knew it was for us.
The management, staff and school community are a real team, not to say I always agree with how things are done but when issues arise they do openly tackle it with thought, care and professionalism. I cant ask for more in this area.
For us, The school is restricted to 3 classes per year group, a lovely sized school. Catholicism is an extra curricular option, but the ethos of the school is not religion based but based on the virtues that all religions share. In short, there are clear behaviour and respect expectations which are part of every day.
As a new school, it continues to develop and every term there seems to be something new. There is still issues with kids moving to the Secondary school as there have only been a few year groups so far moved up, but am not very clear on them.
Of course, now heard that it has long waiting lists for younger years and they have no sibling policy so getting one child a place does not necessarily mean the others will follow shortly but have been happy so far with it.
Hope this helps

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