martincymru wrote:Anyone listened to an album for the 1st time and thought "crap" but later on in life they listen to it all the time !
For me, Tales of Topographic Oceans:
Yes I have. Funny isn't it, it begs the question of how you came to have the album in the first place.
It's happened to me a few times+ It's usually something I think I'll like, or it's something I think I
should like. Miles Davis is one good example... 'Surely you're going to love something from a guy with such a reputation, right?'
It can apply to many styles beyond facile pop, but progressive rock is one of it's natural homes. This wasn't music for the teenager or average man on the street, but for the thinking man who was willing to invest time in understanding it... your linked album, lets guess, double gatefold LP, lots of 'deep' but obtuse illustration, 4 tracks @ 1hr23m, so that's one track per side hehehe....
p.s. How about albums you thought you would like, but never did. That happened to me with Helmet, later Ninch Inch Nails (out there!!), and others...