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$20k Extra per Year for a Security Co

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$20k Extra per Year for a Security Co

Post by carteki » Tue, 21 Jun 2011 5:47 pm

I'd be interested in your views on the following dilemma that I have. We're currently interviewing security companies to provide services to our condo. The managing agent (who should pay us for the leg work we do) got 4 quotes.

We're down to 2 companies (I think - the other 2 have known manpower problems).

Company A is part of a large international organisation, and has a well organised training program. They do both corporate and residential security, although they only have a few jobs with a greater than 3 year tenure, but this is a result of the international organisation take-over where they "voluntarily left" clients (according to them). The security rating for this co is A. They also come with an all singing and dancing computer system to register contractors and visitors to the condo (the paper version works fine for me, so in my mind it is not a selling point).

Company B is our existing contractor who has been on site for 1 year. During this year there have been numerous complaints (from residents) about the night shift supervisor but the manager continued to defend him until he left (a month / so ago). At the meeting the manager mentioned how since this individual has left morale is back up and he has even had guards returning. This lack of awareness by the manager on the effect the night shift supervisor had on staff morale concerns me. What else is he not aware of? Said company is graded B(+?) and is hoping for an A grading in the review which is to be conducted in the next couple of weeks. Recently we've had issues with this company where we've had to tell the manager (which was news to him) that we're starting to use the security camera's to track the arrival times of the guards as they are coming in late.

The difference between the 2 companies? Company A is $20k per year more expensive than Company B. I'm not sure that I can justify that sort of extra expense for the as yet unknown benefit of Co A. Their sales pitch works - but from what I know about the security industry its down to the people on the ground and can any company add $20k worth of value?

Appreciate your views on the matter.

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Re: $20k Extra per Year for a Security Co

Post by taxico » Tue, 21 Jun 2011 10:07 pm

[quote="carteki"...can any company add $20k worth of value?[/quote]

how much more will this cost every month? (is this 20k to be divided across the residents of your condo?)
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Re: $20k Extra per Year for a Security Co

Post by carteki » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 10:03 am

taxico wrote:how much more will this cost every month? (is this 20k to be divided across the residents of your condo?)
I'm not sure that that is relevant to the question - the cost of the potentially better service is an additional $20k - can we justify that?

But yes, this works out to an additional $3-4 per month per unit - hence the question - can we justify the additional expenditure and get value from it?

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Post by taxico » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:03 pm

i've not much experience as i don't live in a condo, but IF i've had problems with the current company i think i might be willing to pay a few dollars more a month to try a different (and supposedly better) company.

of course, perhaps the condo could put in the contract about service standards/expectations of the guards (and penalties)... in this case, i would definitely pay for it!

just my 2c!
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Post by ksl » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 12:28 pm

Company B is of course the better choice! There is a man management problem, that doesn't cost much to rectify. I would suggest the management call all the security guards, to a meeting and point out that things will not be tolerated as before and those wanting to be transferred should look to doing it now as from such and such a day. The standard Operation Procedures will be implemented anyone breaking them will receive a written warning.

That way the next supervisor will not have the difficulties of peer pressure, there is always peer pressure at grass roots, which can give supervisors big problems, that may back fire on the supervisor, when it is actually the cliche at grass roots that is the cause, these problems can be the same with any company regardless of grading.

You need a strong person mentally preferably ex Military to be in charge, but he must have man management skills, otherwise he will fail! Bullies are also less liked.

But definitely B is the better choice, better value, and better opportunities to be upgraded rather than down graded though it's the employers working as a team, that will influence standards.

You can not guarantee better value, that is for sure when it's a man management problem that can pop up at any time. That's why i suggest having everyone on the carpet for a pep talk, the supervisor is of course the one in charge, he must feel his presence excepted, and if there is a ring leader at grass roots of the other guys, the supervisor will have a problem, so it's over coming these peers and gaining the respect.. It will help for management to call them all in for a pep talk to inform them all of changes otherwise jobs will have to go! I would allow for a running in probationary period if that is acceptable to company B to get its act together!

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Post by JayCee » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 2:26 pm

Just go for the cheapest, in my experience condo security guards sit around with their feet up joking with their friends most of the time anyway, perish the thought they should actually provide some security. Why pay another 20K for the privelege?

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Wed, 22 Jun 2011 3:30 pm

Agree with Jaycee.

Having members of my extended family in the security business, I know for a fact that most could give a rats arse about much of anything except where their next drink is coming from. The reason the majority of them are in security is that they can't find another job that they can sleep on 70% of the time. And thinking a "military man" would make a difference running the show is pure folly. At least in Singapore, anyway. The UK or US might be different, but here? Bit of a belly laugh. The only security company that runs properly is CISCO and one other one, but even that one I have my suspicions about as well - but can't think of their name at the moment, but like CISCO I think they're also "auxiliary" police so that keeps them at a slightly different level than you run of the mill security at the condo types.

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