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by carpuff » Thu, 23 Jun 2011 11:50 am
Yes I totally agree, old school rocks!
Let me share some of the likes:
This fellow wants to live FOREVER, and at his death (he has an incurable disease) he wants his body frozen, to be thawed out at some later date and cured.. About a year later he dies... and his body is carefully prepared and quickly frozen as per his wishes...
He, in the mean time, gets to Heaven, sees St Peter at the Pearly Gates, he is standing in line, waiting to get in, and pretty soon, it's his turn... St Peter asks his name, and the man tells him. Peter looks in his book, and says, take a seat.....
The next person in line gives his name, and Peter tells him to go on in.... This goes on for hundreds of people, and in the mean time, the man is sitting on this bench, along with 3-4 other people, wondering WHY can he not get in???
FINALLY, he can't stand it any longer, and goes and butts back in line, and demands to know WHY can he not get into heaven like all those other people... St Peter asks his name again, looks it up in his book, and says.. You died of a rare brain tumour, and had your body frozen, didn't you? Yes, says the man... FINE, says St Peter ... In the year 2389, they will find a cure for that form of tumour, thaw you out, fix it, and wake you up.... TAKE A SEAT....