I rather enjoy Lowenbrau. But it is a good point that you make... why are there not more German beers exported? As they certainly have ones that stack up not so distant from the Belgic brews.aster wrote:And yet I can't think of a single, decent German beer of the regular type (pilsner/lager/etc. variety) that you could buy in stores abroad. Not that I would actually ever buy German beer abroad... but still...
aster wrote:Let's not make excuses for why all the exported drink they do is rather lousy unless you like wheat beers.
Not making excuses, just seeking a pattern in the situation. And yes, I do like wheat beer, but by no means exclusively. The wonder is that with such outstanding beers, they apparently are not interested in the export market. For example Paulaner is way above Heineken IMHO, and yet Heineken is some kind of global standard for lager. Perhaps like Hollywood, the mass market demands rubbish?
Seems like only the small, local stuff is good over there.
You're basing this on personal experience?
The Japanese, on the other hand, know how to make some quality brews... and export them.
Like which ones? Most of the ones I had there are no better than a can of Budweiser. But perhaps Bud is your kind of beer?
It contains compressed gas. So when you pop the can the ball releases the gas and thus you pour it with a 'draught-like' head.Strong Eagle wrote:While we are talking beer, why is it that the 500 ml cans of Kilkenney have a ball of some sort in the can? Cannot figure out what it is for.
This has to be the most BS excuse of the year.JR8 wrote:Not making excuses, just seeking a pattern in the situation.
The wonder is that with such outstanding beers, they apparently are not interested in the export market.
Actually I've yet to find a beer that's worse than Heineken in my eyes. As for Paulaner, that's a wheat beer, I think you've got the categories mixed up.JR8 wrote:For example Paulaner is way above Heineken IMHO, and yet Heineken is some kind of global standard for lager.
Yes. I simply don't buy German beers unless I'd happen to be in Germany.JR8 wrote:You're basing this on personal experience?
Like most Japanese beers. I'll take a Japanese beer over a German one any day.JR8 wrote:Like which ones? Most of the ones I had there are no better than a can of Budweiser. But perhaps Bud is your kind of beer?
aster wrote:This has to be the most BS excuse of the year.JR8 wrote:Not making excuses, just seeking a pattern in the situation.
The wonder is that with such outstanding beers, they apparently are not interested in the export market."It's sooo good we're not interested in exporting it." LOL...
Actually I've yet to find a beer that's worse than Heineken in my eyes.[/b] As for Paulaner, that's a wheat beer, I think you've got the categories mixed up.JR8 wrote:For example Paulaner is way above Heineken IMHO, and yet Heineken is some kind of global standard for lager.
JR8 wrote:You're basing this on personal experience?
Yes. I simply don't buy German beers unless I'd happen to be in Germany.
JR8 wrote:Like which ones? Most of the ones I had there are no better than a can of Budweiser. But perhaps Bud is your kind of beer?
Like most Japanese beers. I'll take a Japanese beer over a German one any day.And please, no links with "beer reviews" by some frat guys on a beer that wasn't even brewed in Japan but made in North America under license. Jeez...
aster wrote: This has to be the most BS excuse of the year."It's sooo good we're not interested in exporting it." LOL...
Who is 'making excuses'? I'm looking for answers.
Actually I've yet to find a beer that's worse than Heineken in my eyes.
Haha funny!
Tried Chang or Anchor recently, or Bud or Michelob, or... and so on. You just shot yourself in the foot there big time. How about Old Milwaukee lol?
As for Paulaner, that's a wheat beer, I think you've got the categories mixed up.
Loon. Paulaner probably produce about 20+ beers. Just because you've only heard of their wheat beer does not make it the only one they brew.
Like most Japanese beers. I'll take a Japanese beer over a German one any day.And please, no links with "beer reviews" by some frat guys on a beer that wasn't even brewed in Japan but made in North America under license. Jeez...
Yah, EUster doesn't want to be showed up for his lousy taste in beer. It's really tough eh!
But anyway back to the question:
- Do you like Budweiser?
- Which Japanese beers do you rate?
aster wrote:You're right, I mean out of beers that actually try to portray themselves to the beer drinker as a quality product.So no ghetto/el cheapo/supermarket brand (Waitrose excluded - those are actually very good) beers.
That's girls and pooftas beer that is. Call yourself a Manc eh, you should be ashamed.... sigh.BillyB wrote:aster wrote:You're right, I mean out of beers that actually try to portray themselves to the beer drinker as a quality product.So no ghetto/el cheapo/supermarket brand (Waitrose excluded - those are actually very good) beers.
You like Spanish or Mexican beer? I'm partial to the Latin American beers as I like them more gassy and crisp. I love a bottle of Sol or Corona on a summer evening.
But my all time favourite is Cusquena, closely followed by Brahma.
P*ss off! Cusquena is lovely drop.....it got 10/10 in the Daily sport!!JR8 wrote:That's girls and pooftas beer that is. Call yourself a Manc eh, you should be ashamed.... sigh.BillyB wrote:aster wrote:You're right, I mean out of beers that actually try to portray themselves to the beer drinker as a quality product.So no ghetto/el cheapo/supermarket brand (Waitrose excluded - those are actually very good) beers.
You like Spanish or Mexican beer? I'm partial to the Latin American beers as I like them more gassy and crisp. I love a bottle of Sol or Corona on a summer evening.
But my all time favourite is Cusquena, closely followed by Brahma.
As for Aster, in Waitrose advocating Marxism for the masses (anything as long it doesn't touch himself) that's too funny. I used to have a friend with the same views. I think the hypocrisy finally put the zap on his head and he burnt himself out.
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