business opportunity
Posted: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 9:31 pm
Hi there,
I'm seeing many people looking for work here but who would have thought of creating a business? I'm thinking of starting a business here. As many know that Singapore is the perfect place to kick-start a business due to its government support and initiatives to help businesses...its the nation's speciality so it would be great opportunity.
If any of you are interested, we can sit down and discuss possibilities. It need not be a large investment, a couple of hundreads to a few thousand would suffice. Its more about strategies and plans.
Feel free to contact me: 92483399 or [email protected]
I'm seeing many people looking for work here but who would have thought of creating a business? I'm thinking of starting a business here. As many know that Singapore is the perfect place to kick-start a business due to its government support and initiatives to help businesses...its the nation's speciality so it would be great opportunity.
If any of you are interested, we can sit down and discuss possibilities. It need not be a large investment, a couple of hundreads to a few thousand would suffice. Its more about strategies and plans.
Feel free to contact me: 92483399 or [email protected]