I don't know... but I can give you a two good starting places where women and counseling professionals can point you in the right direction.appledot wrote:I moved to Singapore about 1 year ago. My husband, a singaporean, has become very abusive. He flares up for no reason or for little things. He can change from being a sweet and loving husband to a scary abusive man in a matter of minutes. He doesn't allow me to have friends, and forbid me from contacting my relatives. I believe he has a problem, it seems he has no control over his emotion at times, he denies that he has a problem. I am scared, sad, lost and very lonely. Is there any support groups in Singapore for women like me?
Her husband is Singaporean genius.paulgibson wrote:Am really sorry to hear about your situation. Perhaps his work life has become stressful after the move to Singapore. In your situation it might be a good idea to confide in a mutual male family friend you might have? This person could then speak to your husband casually and touch on the topic at hand. And perhaps also suggest ways he could help himself, perhaps by seeing a professional like a counselor?
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