Currently i'm working in Sin holding a S pass, which was due end of last month. The renewal application was rejected, and so was the 1st appeal. The company has submitted another appeal and told if this time it doesn't work they will terminate my contract and re-apply while i wait outside this country.
My queries are:
-Does it make any difference of the application of renewal & new application? Now i know it's not clear, but still try to ask to see if anyone here could help...
-The annual income tax has been submitted by my company earlier but i haven't received the mail from IRAS. The company told they will withhold the last payment to me to pay the tax if i'm not around by then. This means i cannot close my bank account now, i called the bank and was told i can get a form from them and later if i want to close my bank account, i can fill in the form and mail it to its HQ in Sin, they will remit the balance to my account overseas. Any of you have encountered this before? Any other suggestions?
-My extension will expire soon, although the result is not out, i don't hold too much hope and feel the chane of getting the pass is slim. Besides the tax, would be appreciated if you could remind me any of other necessary payments, i only have 1 hp line and broadband, and the room rental is also negotiated.
Thanks a lot and hope to receive your advice.